Party Pooper

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Party Pooper

"Will you come?"

I had to force myself to stop walking so that I wouldn't have a head-on collision into Leonardo. His big goofy grin complimented his tan features. Two of his friends were behind him, waiting to critique my response. I shoved my books to the side of my hip and sneered. "No."

I stepped to the side, continuing on my way to lunch. Of course, I wasn't going to get away that easily. I heard the snickering of his friends as he quickly caught up with me. "Why? Why do you hate me?"

I snorted, shoving my thick glasses all the way up my nose. "It's more like why do you hate me."

"I don't," He said innocently, patting his chest. "I'm simply inviting you to my Halloween party."

"I don't want to go to your stupid party, Leonardo," I snapped. "Go harass someone else."

"Leo," He corrected, swinging an arm out to halt my progress towards the cafeteria. I sighed and looked to the ceiling as he swiftly leaned across the lockers in the hallway. "And why not? There's going to be beer – and weed."

His friends continued to snicker like the pieces of sour candy they were. My nose wrinkled at the dancing glint in his eye. "Alcohol isn't my choice of drink – and I'm voting no on question 2, so if you will," I stepped to the right this time and darted down the hallway. You sort of master the fine art of fast-paced walking when it came to getting away from people like him.

However, today it just wasn't working. He slung a sleazy arm around my shoulder as his friends walked to the side of me. "C'mon. Just go. Everyone wants you there."

"Everyone, as in, just you? So that you can make fun of me, like you're doing right now? I'll pass, thank you." I dipped his arm off of me and reached the cafeteria doors. "Goodbye, Leonardo."

"Leo," He jutted his arm out before I could enter. "Think about it? For me?"

I smiled bitterly. "Of course. Just for you."

And then I swung underneath his arm and into lunch.


"Harley Quinn. It's the best idea I've ever had. Your lips are so huge and plump – girl, would you stop staring at yourself like that?"

I couldn't help it. She turned me into a....a....a monster. I was no longer the girl I knew behind the thick glasses and curly blonde hair. I was Harley Quinn, a far too sexy character for a comic-con girl like me. There was no way this was okay – on any level.

"Tania," I stated slowly, "we are going trick-or-treating with your little sister, right?"

She laughed nervously, swishing around in her Tinkerbell tights. She had turned herself into the little fairy – however with far less clothing and much more highlighter. "Yeah, one could call it that..."

"Where are we going?" I seethed, getting out of my chair to prep for strangling my best friend. "Because if it's Leonardo party, only one is going to make it there alive."

"Getting into character already, I love it," She grinned, grabbing her purse and car keys. "Don't worry. I just want to see Derek and then we can leave."

Derek was one of the two snickering sidekicks that Leonardo loved to hang out with. She and him kind of had a thing while I was too busy being loyal to my AP Physics homework. Tania was already grabbing my hand and dragging me down the flights of stairs to her car. I was not one to go down without a fight, however. I kicked. I screamed. I even tried biting.

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