He's Even More Romantic Than He Is Cute

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I like this one a lot more for Valentine's Day. I just posted the other one because I feel like I've been writing too much about these guys, but whatever. I love them too much.

He’s Even More Romantic Than He Is Cute


Hey. What’s up?

Nothing…are you busy? Cuz if you are it’s fine…

No, why, what’s wrong?

…I just needed to go somewhere…

Be over in three.

I stare at my phone, guilt swelling inside me. I hate asking him for this. But without him, I’ll probably end up dead somewhere, because I’m apparently stupid. I can’t go anywhere without attracting some type of trouble. I feel like I’m bothering him, which is why I only ask in dire emergencies.

This emergency happens to be that we ran out of toilet paper.

I decided on going in the morning, but Willa won’t stop complaining every five seconds, so I’m going now. I told her to go get it herself, but then she puts me on a guilt trip of stuff I did for her, and how I should do this one thing for her. So she won. She’s a heartless bitch.

The door opens, and when Colt walks in, his eyes are narrowed, looking directly at me. “How many times before have I told you to lock this door?”

I stare up at him in a sheepish grimace. “Uh…sorry?”

Willa snorts, not looking up from her laptop. She’s all the way in the corner, on her bed, glasses perched on top of her messy hair. “Go get the damn toilet paper so I can shit my brains out.”

Colt gives her a wild look, shock mingling with disgust. “Too much information.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

Shaking my head, I bounce off my bed, grabbing my wallet and shoving it in my pocket. I slip my shoes and jacket on, pausing near the door. “We’ll be back.”

“Don’t fuck yourself.”

And then I slam the door on her words. Colt falls into step near me, shaking his head. “I really think my roommate and her would be the bestest of friends.”

I try to think back when I’ve met his roommate. Then I realize I haven’t. “You know, I’ve never met your roommate. What’s his name?”

“Jeff. He majors in Architecture, that’s why he’s never around.”

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