Just Give Me The Dog

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Just Give Me The Dog

“Do you think it would be possible to own a puppy farm?”

Dylan paused in mid-type on the essay I should be working on with him, but decided I was too much of a procrastinator to care about. “A what?”

“A puppy farm,” I echoed, picking up my pencil and shaking it until it appeared to look like rubber. “You know, like, just buy any old ordinary farm, kick all the other animals out, maybe sell them on eBay or something, and replace them with a bunch of puppies.”

He continued to type, fixing his black dory glasses in the process. “You're sick, you know that?”

“Sick of you!” I cried out in laughter. I pulled a completely solemn face, leaning back into my chair. “I'm serious, though. This is becoming one of my life goals. I need a to own a puppy farm at some point in my life.”

“Sometimes, Marci, I think you're on drugs. Crack, to be specific.”

I groaned, lounging my face on the wooden table in front of us. He was in the chair next to me, furiously typing away. We were in the local library that no one ever bothered to visit because apparently it was haunted. I disagreed with that statement, but whatever. I think it was just the librarian with the big-ass wart on her face.

“Actually, it's caffeine,” I quipped.

“Too much of it,” He snorted.

I sighed, blowing a piece of dark hair out of my face. “Will you buy me a dog, Dyl?”


I flattened out like a pancake. “You never do anything for me.”

“That's because I don't like you.”

“But you're friends with me.”

“No. You're friends with me. It doesn't work the other way around.” He continued to type as he flashed his marvelous green eyes at me. “All you do is talk about food and dogs.”

“What else is there to talk about?” I asked dramatically, throwing my arms up into the air.

“How about this essay you should be doing for English? It's due Friday.”

“What's today again?”


“...Well, shit.”

Dylan broke out his grin; it was a perfect grin. It went well with his squared head. “You should stop dreaming of puppy farms and get your ass to work.”

“Will you buy me a smoothie afterward?”

He sighed flatly through his nose, grin disappearing. “Fine.”

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