Dating In The Dark

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"Just like you love John Travolta in a bikini.”

He winks. “You know it.”

This date in the dark actually turned out to be...worth it. I guess instead of digging my friends a grave for forcing me to do this, I'll have to thank them. Oh, how they are going to love that.


“You sound familiar.”

Really, Emmy, really? The first words out of your mouth probably just scared the dude away.

To my surprise, the guy actually laughs. “Really? Huh, you don’t sound familiar.”

I shrug, even though he can’t see it. “Sorry, I’m weird like that. I’ve never done one of these ‘dating in the dark’ things.”

“Me either. My first time actually.”

“This is so freaking weird.”

My friends signed me up for Dating in the Dark, which is where you go to a diner in complete darkness, and can’t see a thing. Then your date shows up, and you’re not allowed to know his/her name or what they look like until after the date.

I’m in for one hell of a night.

“So…” I start of awkwardly, then just sigh tiredly. “I’m sorry, why don’t you just ask me some questions and I’ll answer them? Really, I suck at these types of things.”

I hear his laughter ring through my ears, “Sure thing. Okay…hmm…what’s your favorite type of ice cream?”

“Pumpkin Pie; it only comes out near Thanksgiving, though. What’s your’s?”

“Actually, I like that ice cream too.”

My eyebrows raise, “Really? Are you messing with me or something?”

“No,” He laughs, “It’s really my favorite. Next question…any ex-boyfriends?”

“Two.” I sigh irritably. “One in my junior year, and one in this year. We broke up a month ago. That’s why my friends signed me up for this.” The most recent one was because I totally knew it wasn’t going to work out, but I’m not adding that in. He was a total opposite of me, but my friends nudged me into dating him because they said ‘opposites attract’. Not in my case. So I broke up with him, because I caught him cheating. Not too surprising to me, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

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