Procrastination Works like a Charm

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When I first wrote this I was like, damn, this came out pretty good. Then I read the ending and I was like, what the hell is this? So I didn't post it cuz I wanted to edit it some more. Then I just re-read the whole thing and I was like, eh, it's not that bad. So I posted it. XD


Procrastination Works Like A Charm

“Wanna go to a baseball game with me?”

I narrow my eyes at the messy brunette in front of me. “What’s the catch, Volts?”

“No catch. Me, you, a couple of friends and a big bag of popcorn.” He bends over, putting his palms flat down on my wooden desk.

Zane Volts and no catch? I’m either dreaming or he’s finally put his childish antics in the basement. I close my laptop gently, giving him my full attention now. I raise my chin in the air. “When?”

“Tomorrow at 5,” He answers, giving me a wide smirk. “I’ll even pick you up, being the nice, caring, gentle friend I am.”

Ah, I see what he’s getting at. I sigh deeply, taking my maroon glasses off my face. Zane hates my glasses with a passion and refuses to tell me why. I don’t blame him; they’re a dreadful color and have gold little beads drilled into them. But I only wear them to piss him off even more. “What do you want in return, Volts?”

“Nothing, Evans,” He shoots sharply.

I roll my eyes and fix my brown hair into a ponytail. “You always want something in return. If not, you blow up in my face about it.”

“This time’s different.” A sly grin etches onto his face. “I promise.”

Something terrible is going to happen at the baseball game then. If there’s no catch, he doesn’t want anything back, surly something bad is going to happen to me. “What’s going to knock me unconscious this time?”

He sighs irritably, tracing a finger over my dusty desk. “That was one time. And it was accidental.”

Chucking a hockey stick at me is considered accidental? “So it was ‘accidental’ when I slapped you across the face yesterday?”

Irritation flutters across his eyes. “No. That was on purpose. To cause me pain.”

“You were trying to cause me pain when that hockey stick came sailing straight at my head - ”

“Look,” He cuts me off, “are you coming or not?”

I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. “Alright. I’ll come.”

A grin, and if I didn’t know any better, it looks pure evil, slowly appears on his face. “Good. So,” He changes the subject, “Midterms are soon.”

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