Tobias vs. Tobias

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Tobias vs. Tobias

“So today, -member David?- well, he was such an asshole - ”


“ -I tried to make everything work and nothing went right - ”


“ -it didn’t help that he was in the middle of my fucking way - ”

“I know.”

“ -and he just kept screwing everything up, like, the hell, David - ”

“I see.”

He doesn’t continue. I peer up at him, slowly, forcing myself away from the book I’m currently reading. He’s staring at me, brown eyes crossed with amusement and irritation. I stare back, feebly, and without losing eye contact, turn the page in my book. My eyes shoot back down to my book.

“Tess,” He sighs, sounding amused. “You didn’t hear anything I just said, did you?”

“Yes I did,” I deny. “Something about David…and his…uh…dog…”

“Dog?” He echoes. “Where the hell did you get ‘dog’ out of my story?”


Suddenly, the book is swiped away from my lap, and I mutter out a ‘hey’. I glare up at Tobe. “I was reading that.”

“And now you’re not.” He sits down next to me, crossing his arms. I can see his tanned muscles slightly. “I’m trying to tell you about my day.”

I take my eyes away from his arms. He noticed me looking though, hence his smirk. “And you did. It was a lovely day.”

“Actually, it wasn’t,” He disagrees. “It was far from it.” He takes a look at my glasses, my brown hair up in the worst bun possible, and the coffee table, covered in food and drinks. His suspicions are raised. “Is this what you’ve been doing all day?”

“Maybe,” I say defensively. “I didn’t have work today.”

“I know, but I didn’t know this is how you would spend it,” He retorts. “What are you reading now?”

I sniff. “Allegiant.”

“Again?” He groans, glancing at the said book he just stole from me. I just can’t get over it. I keep rereading the last few chapters and bawling my eyes out. “You’ve read it like, five times already.”

“You read it too,” I snap back.

“Not as many times as you, though,” He responds.

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