7: Shower

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He made me walk in front of him the entire time. He warned if I screamed or tried to run off then the punishment would be worse than starving me for a day.

"Turn left here," his deep voice resonated from behind me. I could feel his body heat and I didn't like it. I turned to my left only to be faced with a door. I slowly and hesitantly turned the handle.

When I finally opened the door I was faced with a simple small bathroom. There was a curtain for the shower that wasn't clear but it would show the silhouette of the person on the other side.

I stepped into the bathroom and he followed close behind. Instantly more fear crawled up my spine.

"Strip." His baritone voice instructed me and I felt as if I had to obey but I however stopped myself from doing so this time. I measly shook my head no while looking at the ground.

I couldn't just strip in front of him.

What if he...

I stopped myself from continuing that thought already knowing it was heading somewhere dark. I didn't need to fear this man more than I already did and that thought would only make things worse for me.

I looked up only to see him roll his eyes and clench his jaw. He turned around so his back was facing me.

"Now." That left no room for argument. This time I did as he said. But I watched him closely making sure he didn't turn around.

His back was tensed as he crossed his arms in front of him. His neck straining as I'm sure he was clenching his jaw. His hair that was cropped short appeared tousled as if he'd spent the past couple of hours pacing and running his hands through his hair.

Who was this man? His features were remarkable enough that I would remember meeting him before. As much as I hate to admit it, he resembled a fallen dark angel. He was blessed with a beautiful face. I hated that I noticed it. Hated that I paid attention during a time like this. When I was held prisoner and he held the key to my salvation.

I quickly walked to the shower curtain and opened it, I turned the water on and hopped in before the water even heated up. The freezing water hit my back but I welcomed it. I didnt want to be that close to him in my naked state. At least now there was a barrier. The flimsy plastic curtain will have to do.

I saw his silhouette turn towards me. I heard a low groan that he covered with a cough before I saw him walk towards the toilet in the corner and sit down on it. He appeared to take his phone out and grow immediately distracted by whatever was on his screen.

Great, he was going to wait here. Of course he doesn't trust that I won't go AWOL that much makes sense.

I tried showering quickly. It had been over a month since the last time I had so I shampooed twice and scrubbed my body three times hoping to get that horrible smell off my body. I felt so much lighter as the pounds of dirt were washed off my body. The water was a murky color. I scrubbed until my skin was raw and the water turned clear.

Once I turned the shower off I saw his hand shove through the curtain. I would've freaked had I not seen the object he held firmly in his grasp.

A towel.

I grabbed the white towel carefully making sure to not touch him at all.

After wrapping myself in the towel I stepped out. He was watching me warily. Making sure that I didn't do anything stupid I suppose.

He opened the door for me which surprised the hell out of me. But then I remembered he wanted me to be in front so that he could keep an eye on me as he walked.

I walked back to the room he kept me in, with him in tow and he waited for me to step inside before closing the door on me and locking me inside again.

Only then did I realize that I had no clothes, the dirty clothes I had been wearing were still in the bathroom on the floor. I stood staring at the door until I heard it being unlocked again and he opened the door just enough for his arm to stick through.

"Change into these." His voice was gruff and strained. I once again tried to avoid making any direct contact with him and grabbed the clothes from his hold. After doing so he shut the door locking me in here with these new clothes, a towel, and my thoughts.

What the hell is going on?


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