67: Feelings

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As I drove away I couldn't help but think about what just happened.

Before I knew it, I started balling so hard I had to pull over.

"Pull yourself together goddammit. You are not a teenage girl. You are a grown woman!" I told myself after I could finally breathe through my tears.

Walking away from Drew, hurt so much more than I thought it would.

I knew with the things he was saying...that it would be bad news to stay longer.

By that I mean, things could've gotten out of hand. I promised I would never cheat on anyone I'm with, it's plain cowardly.

But this feeling I have in my chest and stomach...it proves something I wish it didn't.

I still love him.

I still love Drew.

I hit the steering wheel several times in anger.


"Why!" I screamed. Thankfully I hadn't gotten far so there wasn't many cars out on the road. I was still pretty close to the middle of nowhere.

I started my car up again and played one of my happy playlists. Hopefully this can keep me calm enough to drive all the way home.

I know one thing for sure, as soon as I get home I'm taking down all those damn security cameras Drew has installed.


It was the next morning, when I got home I realized how well these cameras are hidden and that I would need help from Cole.

He was sending over one of his guys. Not sure what that meant. I just knew Cole knew people who were good at their jobs.

The door bell rang just in time. Ron had just left to go grocery shopping for the week so he'd be gone for two hours. And he always called me on his way back to see if I want some Starbucks.

"Hello, I'm Devonte." A man of over six feet stood in front of me.

"Hi, I'm sure Cole has explained everything." I smiled unsure of how close Cole and this guy were.

"Yeah, Drew can sometimes be overprotective." My eyebrows raised.

I did not expect Devonte and Cole to be that close.

"Uh, yeah. Thank you so much for coming in such short notice." He threw me a panty-dropping smile. Wow, Cole has good taste in friends.

"No problem, how much time do I have?"

I grimaced a little.

"About two hours." His eyebrows raised this time.

"Well then, no more time for talking."

He then began the journey of finding all fifteen cameras installed inside of the house.

Ron just as I expected called me on his way back and I was able to get Devonte out before he made it back.

Now that I had gotten through this, I had to face my feelings head on.

I obviously had feelings for Ron. But they were nothing compared to my feelings for Drew.

I knew what I needed to do since the drive back I just didn't want to to have to go through with it.

But pulling the bandaid off slowly will only hurt more.

I'm sorry, Ron. I hope you can forgive me one day...

"Hey, Alayna, I got your tea!" I heard Ron's voice and instantly tears welled in my eyes.

I swallowed back the lump in my throat.

I don't get to cry, this isn't about me.

I turned around and walked towards the kitchen where Ron had just dropped some groceries.

"Hey," I began.


Alright, so I'm sure you guys feel the end coming soon and yeah, it is.

I started drafting this story almost four years ago. The idea came to me after listening to Stockholm Syndrome.

I'm so grateful for all of you guys, the readers, voters, and commenters! I may not respond to all comments but I read all.

Now what is your favorite time of the day?
Mine is when the sun is beginning to set, so around 5. :)

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