50: Warning

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"Meet me at the cafe on Winchester Avenue in an hour." Was all I said before grabbing the pizzas, handing him the money, and going inside.

"That was dumb of him..."I mumbled to myself.

I walked to the dining room where I called out Ron's name. He grabbed his Hawaiian pizza while I grabbed my pepperoni pizza.

I ate faster than I've ever eaten before and quickly excused myself. Ron watched me the entire time, he knew something was up.

After changing into something that wasn't pajamas and quickly brushing through my hair I brushed my teeth and grabbed my phone.

"Im going to the cafe want anything?" I asked Ron as I passed him in the dining room.

"Oh, I'll come with you." Shît I was worried he would say that.

"No it's fine." I smiled at him.

"They still haven't caught this creep. I don't feel comfortable letting you go out alone." Of course.

"I'll take a guard with me. But I want to be able to live my life again! If i let this creep stop me from doing things I used to love doing then he's winning and I won't let that happen." I grew angry as I spoke with every word to prove a point.

He nodded at me before going back to eating his pizza.

"Be safe." I heard his voice as I opened the door.

I walked to my car that I still haven't driven in eight months.

"Miss," I was stopped by a guard.

"Yes?" I gave him a sweet smile, or at least as much as I could muster.

"We can't let you go out alone."

"Well you can accompany me Mister..."

"Reyes." I nodded and repeated his last name.

"But please don't get too close because then it'll just make people think that you're the one following me."

"No offense, Miss Collins, but I know what to do." He gave me a teeny tiny smile that I could've just confused with a lip twitch.

"You can call me by my first name, Reyes." He shook his head.

"It's a professional courtesy to not do so." I shrugged my shoulders and got into my car.

I saw him walk into a smaller sheer black car.

As I drove I thought of a plan, but seeing as the cafe was only five minutes away driving I came up with an okay plan instead of bulletproof.

I went into the cafe to see Cole sitting in a booth. Knowing that Reyes was going to be there in about thirty seconds I quickly made it to Cole's booth.

"Your name is Joshua Philips. You go to school with me. We have math and English together. I messaged you to meet me here before we are close acquaintances. Got it? My guard will be here in a few seconds." I spoke extremely fast and was surprised that I didn't stutter.

Cole nodded.

"I see him." I heard Cole say as soon as the door opened.

"Why did Drew let you go?" Well way to get right into it, buddy.

"Didn't Drew tell you?"

"All he said was, she's gone. Before locking himself into his room and watching chick flicks as he stuffed his face with desserts." I knew he was over exaggerating but it sounded like Drew regretted letting me go.

"He wanted to give me my life back."

"That doesn't sound like my brother."

"Why aren't the cops raiding his house? Why isn't he in prison?"

"Because I love him. So I made some stuff up."

"Man, here I thought my brother was the lunatic but you're just as crazy." My eyebrows furrowed at this.

"You really do have Stockholm syndrome. I meant that if you had told the cops the truth he'd locked up by now. I would easily get him out so I'm not worried about that."

I was confused at why he was telling me this.

"Well the reason I came here was to warn you."

"Warn me?" He nodded.

"I know my brother. He's got something up his sleeve. Not that I don't believe he loves you but there was another reason he let you go. I don't know the reason but I'm sure we'll both soon find out." With that he got up and left. But before he left me alone with my thoughts he said, "See you soon, sis."


I'm not sure if this chapter is as crappy as I felt it was but it got its point across.

Anyways, this is actually the last update for a while. Like I said earlier...I'm going on a trip and I won't have wifi or my phone soooo we'll see when I can update next!

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