45: Sorry

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I held him because that's all I could think of doing.

There was nothing I could say to make this any better.

I believed him without a doubt. I just couldn't believe that he'd lie about something like this and even cry over it.

He's never looked so broken and torn apart, you can't just fake something like this.

He gripped me tightly and hid his face in my neck. I felt the tears as they fell off his face and landed on me.

What are you doing! No matter how sad his life is, he's still a murderer. A voice in my head intruded my thoughts and I looked back at the grave of the poor soul who died at Drew's hands.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

After maybe half an hour or more I decided to finally speak up.

"W-why did you kidnap me?" I choked on my words. I had an answer in mind but I wanted to hear him say it.

He lifted his head from my chest, which was where it had fallen at some point.

"Right. Shit, I wasn't supposed to do that." I couldn't look at him. Instead I stared ahead at a water fountain.

"Well at the time I didn't know who this man was. But every day that passed by caused me to become even angrier. Every day that I had to take care of my little brother. The money my mom left behind wasn't a lot. A couple grand. I stopped attending school and did anything I could to support my brother and I."

I was stunned. How?

"Weren't you only ten?"

A hollow laugh left his throat.

"Nine actually. They tried to put us into the foster care system but I didn't want us to be separated so I ran away with Cole."

How in the hell did they survive? It seemed like he could read my thoughts with his next words.

"We were homeless for years. I sold anything I could, gum, water, I helped people carry groceries. I did everything I could to make sure Cole had food. It was the hardest thing I've ever done."

He looked angry suddenly as he seemed to remember something.

"When Cole was eleven he wanted to help me out with money. He got involved with the wrong people. I wasn't able to stop him. The biggest mistake of my life. He's the one that got us out of the streets." He wasn't even looking at me anymore. He looked out into the sky as what seemed like his thoughts streamed out of him.

"Once I was able, I got us an apartment with Cole's money. And I got my GED, I went to school. I got a job and asked Cole to get out of whatever he was in. But it was far too late. I care about him a whole lot but the fact that he won't even try to get out...it pisses me the fûck off every time I see him."

I didn't know how I could just take this in. It was an overwhelming amount of information. His whole damn life story in two hours.

"And I blame your father for everything. Maybe a little immature but I don't give two shîts. I promised my mother that I'd seek revenge as I held her limp body. So when I finally found out what had happened I planned to simple kill him."

He paused. Then he turned to me. He looked at me and I couldn't understand the emotions his eyes held just that they were strong.

"But that wouldn't be enough. No. He wouldn't feel all the pain I wanted him to. Then, I remembered he had a child with another woman. I got information on you. I followed you around enough to find out your daily routine and then one day you broke that routine. You instead decided to go out to your first high school party. That threw me off and I almost didn't go through with it but as I sat in my van I remembered everything your father did and was so blinded with rage, I walked into the party and looked for you until I found you in the back yard. The rest you know."

I blinked once. Then twice. Then multiple more times before I pinched my thigh. Why couldn't this be a scary dream.

I stared at him as my eyes flooded with tears. I kept them in as I croaked out the only two words I could think of.

"I'm sorry."


I was listening to the song attached while typing half of this chapter.

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