43: Grave

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Drew tried to put the blindfold back on me but I refused to let him touch me.

I placed it back on myself.

We had been driving for who knows how long.

I feel the car come to a stop and I immediately rip the blindfold off.

I look out only to see that we're not outside my house. We're not even close.

We're at a cemetery.

Why did he bring me to a cemetery? I told him to take me home.

"Why am I here?" I bit out.

"I need to show you something." He gets out and opens the door for me.

"I told you to take me home." I was so damn close to going off on him.

"I know. But I think you should see this first."

He walked away and I followed him because honestly a cemetery is scary at night.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him in a loud whisper. As if these people could hear me.

"His name was, Joseph Clemens." Is he talking about the boy from the party?

"He was the first. I don't know what came over me that night. I've been filled with guilt and regret over my actions when it came to him."

I didn't want to speak up, mostly because I didn't know what to say.

"After that night, I looked at every news outlet to find out what his name was. Then when I found the article I searched him up on every social media platform. I made sure to get to know him as much as I could, through his posts."

I wanted to cry but I was drained and all I could do was frown.

"Then soon after his mom posted on his profile. It was a fund to pay for his funeral. Now before I continue, I'm not saying this because I feel like I have to. I was planning on telling you all this tonight. You remembering what happened...I didn't think that would happen until later tonight."

I nodded my head just wanting to hear the rest of the story.

"I wanted your father to pay me as soon as possible because the fund page had a deadline. As soon as your dad gave me the money...I donated half of it to them." He stopped in front of a huge and beautiful head stone.

"His family wanted to meet with me. They wanted to return some of the money. I refused and told them all I wanted in return was for them to get him the best head stone and to remember that he was a hero."

He was a hero.

My Hero.

"I try to visit him at least every week. Maybe it's fucked up but it keeps me sane. And I know I don't even deserve that, not after what I did."

I saw two bouquets of flowers and some candy.

"I stopped by yesterday." He crouches down and fixes a bouquet and the candy.

When he does so I can see something written down low.

A loving son, amazing brother, and everyone's hero.


"You're going to want to sit down for the rest of what I'm going to tell you."

There was a bench behind us that was facing his grave.

"Alright, tell me everything. Starting with why you kidnapped me."


Oml. I'm supposed to be at school today. But instead I'm hereeeee.

So you're going to find out the truth very soon.

Any guesses on what it is or why he kidnapped her?

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