60: Relief

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As I walked into the police station I could feel fear and anxiety trying to overwhelm my other

You can do this.

I walked to a desk where a man helped me figure out what I needed to do and where to go. The entire time I wasn't really there. It felt like I was an outsider watching. The officer did look at me cautiously almost the entire time.

He was extremely kind though I can't remember any of the things he told me.

"Alright. There are going to be four men. If you can identify the man that kidnapped you almost three years ago then it'll mostly be over." Im not sure if that's actually what he said or if my mind was just paraphrasing for me.

He told someone to bring them in and I was staring at a room just like the ones they show in the movies and on TV. I could feel my hands shaking but I didn't know what to do to calm myself down.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Everything is going to be okay.

"You don't have to be scared. They can't see you." The officer spoke beside me.

I wanted to nod my head but I felt like I had no control over my body.

One by one four men stepped in.

Guy number one. Not Drew.

Guy number two. Definitely not Drew.

Guy number three. Not Drew, either.

That only leaves guy number four. I couldn't bear to make my eyes move to the last guy. I knew the last guy had to be him.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I blinked several times and then my eyes moved to the last man.

Guy number four. Not Drew.

Before I knew it I was sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing. I felt my legs give up on me but before I hit the floor arms were wrapped around me hesitantly. As if they didn't know if they should touch me.

It was the officer, that much I knew.

I grabbed onto his arm and sobbed.

"Would you like to come back tomorrow? If this is too overwhelming for you..." He spoke to me like I was a child.

I couldn't form any words seeing as I could barely even breathe.

I nodded my head instead.

I pulled myself out of his hold and stood with my back to the room full of men that weren't Drew.

I don't know how long I stood there trying to catch my breath. But the officer never said any thing. He just watched and waited.

When I was done I thanked him and left the room. Then I left the police station.

As I walked to the car I could see Reyes approach me.

"Are you okay, Ms. Collins?" I shook my head because what was the point of lying when my make up was smeared all over my face. And my eyes were more than likely red.

He opened my door for me and I think he tried talking to me on the way home but just like with the officer I couldn't remember what he said or if I replied.

It was like my body was on auto pilot.

When I got home I made sure that Ron was no where near so that I could call Cole.

Luckily, Ron had to run an errand. He left a note on the door for me and I was relieved by it.

As I walked up the stairs I could hear something coming from my old bedroom.

I walked to it warily.

As I opened the door I almost jumped out of my skin.

"Jeez, Cole!" My hand went to my chest as I once again tried to catch my breath.

"Looks like I'm either too late or just on time. Alayna, we need to talk."

Something told me he already knew about the police station situation and I had a feeling I wouldn't like what he had to say.


I haven't written in like a month!

I'm on my first break since school started!

How are y'all doing? :)

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