54: Jealousy

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I pushed away from him reluctantly.

"I have to go, or else Ron will come up to check on me." His face scowled immediately.

"Ron." He said the name with disgust.

What now?

"I really liked the guy in the beginning because he was helping you get better but once I realized he had fallen for you...he's definitely not on the top of my favorite people list."

Why does he keep talking about me getting better? Was I really that out of it when I was with him?

Whoa wait-- Ron isn't in love with me!

"What, Ron isn't in love with me." I whisper yelled. I didn't want to scream even though I knew no one would hear me over the loud music.

"He is," his scowl remained on his face.

"He's just my best friend. He doesn't see me as anything more than his sister!" What am I doing bickering with Drew? I need to get back to the party before Ron comes looking for me.

"I'm flattered that you're blinded by our love to not realize but really it's not that hard. Ask anyone else, they'll see it." I was annoyed with him and his jealousy so I shook my head and made my way to the door.

"See you in four months then." I spat out. How dare he say that! Is he trying to ruin my friendship with Ron? The only friend I have after everything!

Before I could slam the door behind me he caught it and grabbed my wrist. He brought me back inside. He closed the door and locked it.

"I'm sorry you're angry but I won't let you go out there angry. What can I do to make you feel better?" I didn't have to think too long before I came up with an answer.

"Let me talk to Cole." I really missed him. How was I supposed to have a relationship with him when he wouldn't even communicate with me.

He hesitated for a second.

"I really shouldn't. He'll be beyond angry with me...but for my girl..." he took out his phone and unlocked it. A couple of seconds later he handed me it. It was already calling.

"Yes, Drew?" Cole sounded different over the phone. He had no emotion when he spoke those words.

"Actually it's me, Alayna." I suddenly felt very nervous.

"Hey, Alayna. So he finally decided to pay you a visit?" I nodded my head but quickly said yes.

"I have to go, but remember what I told you in the cafe."

"Okay." I hung up confused. I couldn't remember what he said.

I handed the phone back to Drew.

He engulfed me in a hug before speaking softly into my ear.

"I'll be up here all night. Whenever you need me or want to see me. You can find me up here. It's my late birthday and graduation present to you." I smiled at him before pecking him on the lips.

"Okay." I walked away this time with a smile on my face while I walked back downstairs to the party.

"Hey I was about to go look for you." Ron told me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Aw," I put a hand up to my chest. "My knight in shining armor." I said over dramatically.

"You look great by the way." He said while we walked to the kitchen. And suddenly what Drew told me came rushing back.

"Thanks." I smiled shyly.

Nice, I have a jealous man upstairs that may or may not be more right than I'd care to admit.


I realized too late that this chapter was getting long for the usual length so it kinda ended out of nowhere.

QOTC: Do you guys know what Cole was referring to on the phone?

It's my birthday tomorrow ! (Aug 5) so I'm uploading this even though I hadn't originally planned it. It's my birthday present to you guys. Can you guess my age?

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