Bonus Chapter: Falling for Her

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A/N: This is not based on present time. This is back when Drew realized he had feelings for her.

BC 1:
She's here

I bolted up in bed, sweating and panting.

What the fuck are these dreams!

I keep having these dre--nightmares! It always ends the same, with me fuçking the life out of her.

I hate them. I hate her.

I can't trust her, yet in my dreams I seem to trust her enough to wrap her around my body.

I make my way to the shower and put on the cold water. This has become my routine.

I haven't even watched porñ in weeks, there's no need with her in my head.

I've got to give her her food now.

I don't really feel like making anything so I'll just throw together some left overs from two days ago.

I got the usual tray and put the food that I had made. It wasn't very good but it was enough for me to swallow it down. Sometimes ordering take out gets old.

I threw a couple of saltine crackers and water as well.

I could only wish if I got kidnapped to be treated as nicely as I'm treating her.

I made my way to the room.

The dungeon as she calls it. Or was it her hell?

I unlocked all of the locks and opened it quickly, knocking her back if she was behind the door waiting to knock me out.

I've watched movies, I know what happens.

She wasn't behind the door though. She was lying on the bed.

How is it that after a shower she looked so pristine and clean. It made me want to just get her dirty. Cover her in my filth.

Yes, I may be a kidnapper but I will never ever be a rapist like him.

She was still wearing the shirt that Cole bought me.

I hate to say it but she looked better than I ever could in it.

Her head snapped towards me but she didn't look at me, instead she looked at the food. I threw it gently onto her bed, minus the water. I wasn't planning on making a round trip to get more water because I had spilled it.

I placed it on the floor and left.

"Thank you," I almost didn't hear it. Almost. But I did. And I felt a growl wanting to escape my mouth but I bit it back, I'm not a dog.

I heard her dive into her food and I went for the door.

Suddenly, a plan popped into my head.

Once I closed the door I looked at the locks. I tried to decide whether or not to go with my plan.

Fûck it.

I turned around and walked down the hall. Leaving her alone in her unlocked dungeon hell.

After this I would know if I could actually trust her or not.


A week has passed. I haven't locked her room for a week and she's still here.

She hasn't tried to open the door but she's still here.

Hmm, she's either stupid or hopeless.

The fact that she's still here feels like it's sealed my fate.

The dreams have only gotten worse.

Every time I go to the room she's in my heart races. My stomach knots up and twists.

She's here. With me. Still here.

I have to accept that I don't hate her. I think I may be starting to fall in love with her.

Fück, what have I gotten myself into?


Damn! It's been a while!

Who knew school could be so damn stressful? Oh wait I did, ha.

This is long over due. You guys are great! Thank you all for voting and commenting! And thank you for 6k! :0 ❤️

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