15: Crazy

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Past me jumped onto me and threw me onto the floor. It fuçking hurt.

"I told you not to!" She screamed at me.

"I can't keep waiting to be rescued and I'm not strong enough to escape." She kept me pinned to the ground so that I couldn't fight her back.

"But you are strong enough to continue fighting through this. What if dad finds us? Stay to see if he shows up. Don't give up!" She embraced me in a hug and I started sobbing.

My body was shaking and no tears left my eyes. I was completely dried out.

"Okay." I finally agreed. She pulled away and smiled at me. She moved the tray and placed it on my lap, feeding me the food.

"This will help you become stronger alright." She smiled at me and she looked so pretty. She was carefree. She was me before this whole thing happened.

After I finished she helped me lay down and put my thin blanket on top of me. I was so tired and drained I knocked out quickly.

"Please don't leave me." I had told her before closing my eyes.

"As long as you're here so am I." Then sleep decided to take me.

I was so deep into my sleep I never heard the locks turn. I never heard the door open. Or the steps someone made towards my bed.

I don't know how long they were there. I know it wasn't me having another crazy moment because knowing myself I would've already starting talking. Instead I had flipped to my other side and groaned.

Not even two seconds later I had heard an intake of breath.

I was scared that it was more friends of Drew that have come to take me away...again. I did the only thing I could think of; pretend to sleep.

I must've been pretty convincing because the person didn't move.

Footsteps suddenly started squeaking towards me.

I braced myself for any possible outcome. I was happy my hair was covering my face because I grimaced as I waited for a slap to wake me up so that they could take me away.

Instead, a hand pushed my hair away. I almost screamed out to warn Drew. I almost moved. I almost cowered away.

Their hand moved towards my face and they placed their thumb on my forehead. Their thumb slowly evening out the wrinkles of worry and sadness off.

"You don't deserve this." His voice croaked. Only then did I realize this person was Drew. Why was he here? What did he mean?

"But he does." His hand rotated and the back of his hand slowly moved -almost soothingly- across my cheek back and forth.

What the actual fûck is going on?


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