66: Love

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"Wait, Alayna!" I heard gravelly footsteps coming up behind me.

"I'm sorry, you had to find out this way." I turned around so fast I almost got whiplash.

"You're sorry? You were the one that made me find out."

"I couldn't let you live in the darkness the rest of your life, princess." I shook my head.

"Don't you dare call me that."

"I'm sorry about how much of a dick I was about it. But you were being a bitçh too."

I really wanted to slap him.

"So you decided, what's better than to throw it in her face that her father is a sadist and her mom was his victim!" I was screaming at him but it didn't matter because his nearest neighbor was almost a mile away.

"Look please, just come back inside. You can't drive in this state." It was only then I realized I had tears rolling down my face.

I pushed past him and went back inside.

"Stay away from me." I spoke as I went to one of the empty rooms.

This had completely tired me out mentally and I needed a break.

I locked the bedroom door closed and laid on the bed. I would take a power nap and go home and never speak to this aśshole again.

I closed my eyes and was out like a light.


I woke up who knows after how long. The room I was in was no longer illuminated by sunlight but dark. That means the sun must have set. Which also means, I was asleep for hours.

I got up and went towards the door. I opened it only slightly to peek out and saw Drew laying next to the door.

Did he really wait out here like a guard?

I opened it wider and tip-toed past him. I was hungry again and wanted food. When I got to the kitchen I realized he ordered pizza.

I ate two slices before walking to the living room, there was a sofa, a desk and a large weird looking TV.

Out of curiosity, I turned it on.

My breath got caught in my throat and i started coughing as my hand let go of the remote.

In front of me was footage from surveillance cameras...from my house. My room with Ron. My old room. The kitchen. The living room. Front yard and back yard. Ron's old room.

I heard footsteps and turned around.

"What. The. Fûck."

"Let me explain." He started, there was nothing to explain though. He was watching me for the past two freaking years.

"I did it to protect you."

"Protect me! How does this protect me!"

"No one can hurt you..."

"I thought I was crazy but you have lost it, Drew."

"Look I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't want to see me ever again after everything. But I wanted to make sure you were safe and this was the only way I could think of. Please, princess."

I went to the sofa and sat down. I stared at the footage of the kitchen.

Ron was making food.

Oh my god, Ron!

"Shït." I got up quickly and went back to the room I slept in to look for my phone. It was on the nightstand thankfully.

"What are you doing?" Drew must've followed me back to the room.

"Calling my fiancée."

"I already took care of it. He thinks your with Cole." He did not sound happy when he spoke.

"I still have to go."

"We haven't talked in two years, Alayna."

"And who's fault is that?"

He looked away for a moment.

"I still love you, Alayna." He blurted out.


"I still love you." I stared in shock, those were four words I did not expect to hear from him.

"I have to go." I put my phone in my back pocket and this time I left for good.


Don't know how I feel about this one.

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