33: Embarrassed

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He smiled at me nervously.

I nodded at him.

"Are you a virgin?" I knew sex was on his mind. I chuckled in my head.

"Yes." I wasn't ashamed of it.

"Okay." He looked away and I did too but something told me he was happy about my answer.

He didn't speak throughout the rest of the movie, but he kept his wandering hands on me.

"Are you done?" I asked when the credits started rolling.

"Hmm?" I looked up to see his eyes closed and he looked peaceful.

"Doing what?" He opened his eyes.

"Stealing my body heat." I lifted a brow. He smirked and wrapped his arms around me.

"You wanna sleep here with me tonight?" I can't say yes. Then something might happen.

"It's probably better if I go back to my room."

He looked upset.

"I won't touch you, if you don't want me to, I swear." I shook my head. The problem was I did want him to.

"Can you take me back to my room," he looked heartbroken "please." He removed his hands from my waist, almost as if my touch had burned him.

"Come on then." His voice was completely void of emotion. I got up and walked next to him. Together we walked to my room. He made sure that we made no physical contact whatsoever.

I know this since he usually hold my hand or my waist. Or he'll wrap his arm around me. But now, not even our hands were brushing in the narrow hallway.

Once we got to my room I looked at him. He stared at my door, impatiently.

"What's wrong?" I sighed.

"Are you using me?" I loved how he was always honest but sometimes his feelings didn't make sense to me.

"What?" I looked at him as if asking him to repeat himself.

"Do you just want to get my hopes up and steal my trust only to crush it?" Where was this coming from?

"Drew, look at me." He continued staring ahead.

I grabbed his face in both my hands and turned his face towards me. He looked above my head. Avoiding me at all costs.

I brought my lips up to his and gave him a firm kiss on the lips. I opened my eyes while our lips were still attached to see his eyes closed and his peaceful reaction once again intact.

"I like you, I really really like you. I'm not using you okay?" He finally looked at me. Our faces were still close to each other.

He didn't seem convinced.

I sighed.

"The reason I don't want to stay in your room is because...I do want you to keepyourhandsonme." I mumbled the last part incoherently. But since we were so close I knew he heard every word.

He lips spread upwards quicker than the speed of light.

"Say that again? I couldn't hear you." I slapped his chest lightly. I wasn't going to repeat myself, once was embarrassing enough.

"I'm going to bed." I scowled and moved away from him. I opened my door and threw myself on the bed.

"Want me to join?" He questioned playfully.

"Go away, I'm not answering that." I spoke through my covers.

"That's okay, I already know the answer." Then he left me alone, finally. I can now sulk in embarrassment alone.

"Aśshole." I mumbled to myself.

A very attractive asśhole who had a way with words...and who I seem to be falling for very quickly.


I may not be able to update next weekend due to finals. Wish me luck you guys, xx.

CrazyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon