48: Surprise

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A week had passed since Drew dropped me off.

In that time I told my dad my story.

Instead of saying they let me go I said I escaped a city over and tore off my blindfold and managed to make it back here.

They bought it since the men that went running in the direction I came from came back empty handed.

"Hey, sweetie, how are you?" My dad made it a point to ask me that every day. As if one day I would change my answer.

"I'm doing better. Happy to be home." I walked down the stairs. He followed after me.

Ever since two days ago my dad decreased the amount of guards around here. There had previously been about twenty now there was usually ten and sometimes fifteen.

"I have to talk to you about an important matter, princess." I stopped. Did he find Drew??

"I didn't want to say this earlier because you were still recuperating." Well what am I doing now? Is he only giving me a week to get back into things?

"I actually don't live here anymore." I turned around at that. Since he had been following me he was behind me.

"What do you mean? You're leaving me?" I was beyond confused.

"God no." He looked slightly offended before realizing what he said. "I meant, I bought a different house for us and I was just staying here waiting for you to come back because you would know this place. I wanted to welcome you back because I knew you'd come back. So I left your room the same but my room and the guest bedroom is empty."


"Well when do I need to move?" He smiled softly at me.

"Whenever you want. Sooner rather than later I hope. I'll let you choose your room." He joked with me for the first time in seven months.

"It's just the two of us dad, who was I supposed to fight about it?" He chuckled then we made our way to the kitchen to have breakfast.

"Do I have to go back to school soon?" I asked my dad after we finished eating.

"Actually princess, I would rather you didn't and instead I'll get you a tutor so you can be homeschooled." I much rather preferred that but wasn't expecting him to actually say it.

I nodded my head and went upstairs to start packing. He was right, the sooner the better.

I felt pretty hollow ever since I returned. I felt like my life was still on pause even though I was back.

While I was packing I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said while pulling hangers out.

"I've missed you." I heard before being engulfed in another bone crushing hug.

"Ron?" I felt him nod.

I quickly turned around and hugged him back. His body felt harder than I remember.

After we pulled away I could see why, he looked very fit. He had muscles that weren't there before.

"Wow." I commented while looking at his biceps.

"Yeah, I took a few classes while you were...gone." He bit out the last word.

"A few?" I chuckled. He looked taken aback, then his eyes began to water. Whoa. What is going on?

"Sorry. I just I thought you were never coming back and now you're in front of me and your laughing." I reached for his neck and brought him to my height to hug him again.

"I'm back and I'm staying this time." I felt a tear land on my collar bone.

"You will. I'll make sure of it. I promise you, I will find the bastard that did this and I'll wring their neck." There it was again.

"I don't think they'll be able to get to me. Not with all this security." He pulled away.

"Don't you worry. I was there at the party that night and I will try and remember everything I can for you, I promise." No, Ron, don't do that.

"Thank you, and it's okay if you can't remember anything helpful. Just being back is what I'm grateful for." Nice one.

"Where have you been this past week?" I asked because I found it weird that it took him an entire week to get to me.

"Well I wanted to give you time to reconnect with your father and I was also moving out." I felt my heart drop, oh no of course. He graduated high school already, he's leaving to go to college now.

"Where to?" I asked sadly.

He looked at me as if to see if I would start laughing and say, just kidding.

"Your dad didn't tell you?" What...

"Tell me what?" His smile filled his entire face as he spoke his next words.

"I'm moving in with you!" Well I was not expecting that...at all.


This was kinda a slow chapter. Just to set things up for my final plans on this book.

Do ya'll remember Ronald? :,)

P.S. This may be my last update until end of July/August

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