19: Cole

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After having me shower and making me put on an actual dress, Drew led me upstairs. To say I was nervous would be an understatement.

I was trying desperately to not bite my nails, he'd already caught me twice and he had to harshly pull my fingers out of my mouth.

"Who is your guest?" My voice is weak and barely audible.

"You'll see. Remember no weakness." Was he looking out for me? Shouldn't he not care about the person getting to me and making me cry.

Or did he just want all the pain I feel to come from him only?

As we reached upstairs I noticed a noise coming from a room not far away.

"The little fûcker." Drew said under his breath.

Drew put his hand on my back to push me to walk faster. We reached an entryway into what looked like a living room. Inside it was a handsome young man. This man looked well groomed with his hair combed onto one side with gel keeping it in place.

He held a resemblance to Drew but not too much they had different colored eyes and this mystery man had a lighter shade of brown hair.

"Ah, brother. Until we meet again." His voice was laced in a thick British accent. I felt my stomach do somersaults. I have a weakness for accents.

"Cut the bullshît, Cole." So his name was Cole.

"I thought I'd let myself in." His voice no longer held the British accent I loved, now it was just American.

"You thought you'd break in, better yet, you know I keep my door locked." Drew's voice got harsher.

"Who is this lovely lady?" Cole ignored Drew and came towards me.

"She won't fall for you stupid shît, I've told her." Cole's face turned hard.

"You always were an aśshole, big brother." Cole then placed his eyes on me. He scanned my body before shrugging his shoulders. "Not bad."

"You know, I always thought you were gay." I hear Drew take a step from behind me and can tell he's deciding whether or not to do something about his brother's statement.

"I'm not, you imbecile." Drew then proceeds to wrapping his arm around my waist. I try my best to look comfortable in his hold though all I want to do is step away.

"Is she going to be here for the remainder of my time?" He speaks of me as if I'm a nuisance.

"She's going to be making dinner actually, not for you but for us. We will be done before dinner."

"No invite, Andrew?" Cole fakes a pout.

"Start talking before I decide to kick you out." Drew then steps in front of me and walks away with his brother.

"I guess that I'm supposed to cook dinner then." I speak to no one.

I walk around to look for the kitchen which was across from the living room and next to the dining room.

After cooking some chicken and rice I hear a loud thud and then some harsh whispers before I see Cole storm past the kitchen and out the front door.

Drew comes in just as frustrated. He looks at me, "You actually cooked?" I nod my head slightly.

"Then let's eat."


This is the product of procrastination on all of my hw. ;)

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