21: Chuckle

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I listened to Tag, You're It while writing this. Even though this isn't how she was kidnapped the song is about being kidnapped so...

I still can't clearly remember the night Drew took me away from all that I love. All I remember is opening the door to the party and seeing red, then feeling pain at some time during the night before waking up here.

I don't know if it's because my mind finds it too traumatic or if I actually saw only red that night.

When I say red, I don't just mean the color red. I mean blood. That when I opened that door I saw blood everywhere.

I didn't see what the point of me trying to remember was, I just wanted to know. I didn't like having a gap in my memory. Especially one this important.

"Wake up!" Drew's voice entered my thoughts and I realized it was because he was coming in to the room.

Only this time when he came in...he had no tray with him.

I sat up from the bed to look at him confused.

"Time for breakfast." I continued to stare at him questioningly. He had no tray so...

"Get up, I won't say it again." I got up quickly just because this meant I could leave the room, or at least that's what I'm guessing.

I followed him out of the room and once again he let me go in front. Well more like made me go in front. He kept placing his hand on my shoulder to show which direction I need to go. While his touch was light it burned and carried a weight that made me question what was wrong with me.

Once we got upstairs I could tell where we were going. He was leading me to the kitchen. Now I was more curious than ever.

"I'm eating breakfast up here?" I questioned once we reached the kitchen that had no evidence of cooking. Where was the food?

"Yeah, after you cook it." He then moved to the fridge and took out half a dozen eggs and a bag of bacon.

"Eggs and bacon?" He nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

I grabbed a pan and turned the stove on.

After preparing the food I was thinking about how I was supposed to call him to the kitchen. Just as I was about to shout his name he appeared out of nowhere in the doorway.

He grabbed his plate and quickly ate. I watched him while eating. He looked as if he hadn't had a home cooked meal in a while, even though he had one yesterday.

"Can I ask you a question?" I don't know how I got the confidence to even say those words but I needed to keep my confidence for my next words.

"Why?" He didn't look up at me as he finished off his plate. His shoulders stiffening as he spoke. As if preparing himself for the unexpected.

"Please." He groaned in frustration. He shrugged and I took that as an ok.

"Why did you want me to cook breakfast?"

He actually looked up this time.

"You can cook. I got tired of eating lasagna every night and takeout." I fought so hard to keep the smile off my face.

I succeeded of course.

"Thank you." I mumbled while also finishing up.

"Not this again." He groaned and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Both of our eyes widened when I did so. The sound of laughter felt so foreign. It felt wrong. It felt as if I were laughing at a funeral. This was not the place to be laughing at right? With the man that has taken so much from me.

I cleared my throat and brought my eyes back down to my plate as I picked up the last strip of bacon.

What the hell? How did we end up here?


That 5SOS reference though ;)

I'll try to update on the weekend. Either Saturday or Sunday from now on...Let's see how that goes.

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