It Was Only Us

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Yeah, so, this is where i'm posting all my 'oneshots' or 'short stories' or whatever. Call them what you want. :D 




This time, there was no blowing up popcorn, having ice cream wars, making my pinking promise things, diving contests, making a fort named Jimmy, admitting some pretty heartbreaking stuff, and especially no chasing naked children around my house.

It was only us.




Monday, 12:34 pm

I walk the halls to lunch, my face emotionless as I push past the students chit chatting. Bugles explode in my mouth every time I take a bite, the saltiness sticking to my tongue. I walk alone, not daring to say anything to anybody.

It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him.

It’s also the first time I’ve ever bumped into him. Accidentally.

“Holy shit, I’m sorry!” I mutter loudly, as I bang my head on someone’s shoulder. Wincing from the pain, I look up at who I just bumped into.

And try to muffle my gasp.

Jake Paine glares down at me through murderous green eyes. His jaw is scruffy and set, looking as if he’s ready to snap my head like a twig. He’s wearing one of his normal, leather jackets like he’s freezing. Really, it’s 85 degrees outside, not like I would tell him that. There’s rips in his jeans, totally ignoring the dress code. Black vans cover his feet, and the messy shoes have black permanent marker scribbled all over. His milk chocolate brow hair is it’s usually wavy style, half covering his forehead. He’s also extremely muscular and toned with a tan, just adding to the rumors.

“Watch where you’re going, will you?” He barks out, his voice deep and firm.

Jake Paine. Known for pain. Ironic, isn’t it? Many rumors have passed through the walls of this school since freshman year about him. How he killed his mother, he’s a drug dealer, crashed his car into a police station, he got arrested ten times, the list goes on and on.

But I don’t believe it for a second.

Nobody ever went up to him to confirm this, and he’s never said a word about it. You shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Plus, he doesn’t really speak to anybody. Only when he get’s paired up to do assignments, but other than that, he doesn’t say a word.

It also doesn’t help that on his arm he’s got a long tattoo snaking up his arm saying something in French. There’s rumors about his tattoo too-yeah, his fucking tattoo-and how it means all these nasty things. But nobody’s ever really taken the time to go into French class, or look it up on Google translate, on what it really means. Not like anybody can though, he doesn’t let anybody look at it.

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