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I'm gonna be late again!

Your black leather combat boots stomp through the small puddles of rainwater littering the sidewalks of the busy city street as you run as fast as you can, the cool fall breeze rushing against your cheeks.

I'm gonna get fired!

Your lungs ache from the chilly air as you burst through the doors of the run down coffee shop, every customer's head turning and looking at you.



Oh no...

"My office. Now."

Aw man...


"This is the fifth time in two weeks you've been late to work."

"I know sir I am so sorry....please just give me another chance...I promise I won't be late again..."

Your voice cracks with desperation as your boss looks down his nose at you, his eyes free of any amusement or mercy.

"Fine. You get ONE more chance Y/N. One more day late to work and you're gone."

"Y-Yes sir...I understand...I won't let you down..."

"Alright. Now get to work."

Giving your manager a bow you quickly tie your apron around your waist and stand behind the counter, your coworker leaning over and bumping your shoulder.

"Why so glum?"

"You know why Hobi. My job is literally on the line."

"Why didn't you just do the night shift? It would've been easier."

"No...I can't do the night shift Hobi..that's the only time I have with mom."

"Aish...I can't lose my favorite coworker!"

"I'm your only coworker Hobi."

He gives you a wink and a chuckle before setting four fancy decorated coffees on a tray, his head nodding towards a table of two couples.

"Table five is ready."



With a deep eyeroll you put on your best smile and glide over to the table, the eyes of the stuck up couples looking at you.

"Alright who had the vanilla chai?"

"Me. Thank you."

After handing out all the coffees you turn around and blink in shock when you see a strange man in a suit standing right behind you, his breifcase immediately making you sick.

"Miss Y/N, right?"


"Hello, my name is Kim Young Min and I am with-"

"I know who you're with. Like I told the last guy, No."

"But Miss Y/N if I could just-"

"Look order a damn coffee and sit silently or get the hell out of here! I have no business with you people!"

A slow roll of thunder rumbles across the gloomy sky as dread immediately clutches your chest, the loud growl of your manager's voice souring your already bad mood.

"Y/N! My office! Now!"

This is turning out to be such a great day.


Through My Eyes |PJM Fanfiction|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz