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[One Month Later]

(Jimin's POV)

Mm...this bed is so soft.

Hmm...I don't hear Y/N in the kitchen...

Is she still asleep?

She's usually up by now...

Pulling himself up out of his covers Jimin carefully tugs his T-shirt over his head and makes his way out into the living room area, Jungkook's feet tapping against the wooden stairs the only sound in the house.

"Hyungie goodmorniiiing...."

"Goodmorning Jungkook....is Y/N still asleep up there?"

"Eh? No...she wasn't under my blankies with me and she wasn't in the bathroom so I came down here cause I thought she would be with you..."

"No...I don't hear her in the kitchen either."

"You're right! She isn't there? Where did Noona go?"

Jimin's chest suddenly lightly clutches with anxiety as he makes his way over to the kitchen and smacks his toe against the lip in the floor, a sharp exhale of breath coming from his gritted teeth.

By the time I get used to this house I'm not going to have feet left.

"Hobi I told you to hur- oh you guys are awake!"

"Noona! Noona where were you?!"

Ah...thank goodness...she's safe...

"Sorry guys...I thought I would be home before you woke up..."

"You're fine Baby, what is it?"



(Y/N's POV)

"Since you and I talked a month ago Jimin....I um...I asked Hobi to start giving me driving lessons...and...I got my license today!"

You excitedly hold up the little plastic card and watch both Jimin and Jungkook's expressions light up, your heart beginning to beat erratically in your chest.

"Baby that's amazing!"

"Wow Noona! You can drive like Hobi Hyungie now!"

Soon both of the boys have their arms around you giving you hugs and Jimin presses small kisses on the top of your head, Jungkook's fingers playing with the card.

"So Noona, does that mean we can DRIVE to the mall now?"

"Hey you guys could have just ridden with me!"

"But Hobi Hyungie Noona can drive now!"

Looking up at Jimin as he still holds you in his arms you place your hands on his lower back and watch his cheeks turn pink, his voice a tender purr in your ear as he showers you with compliments.

"I'm so proud of you Babygirl, but why didn't you tell me you were doing this?"

Your face suddenly turns red with embarrassment as you look down and lay your head on his chest, your fingers playing with the hem of his T-shirt.

"I...I don't know...I was embarrassed...I had never driven a car and...I was really scared...I don't like crying and everything in front of everyone..."

Jimin leans down and places his hands on both of your cheeks while brushing them with his thumbs, his amber colored eyes sending a wave of comfort through your body.

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