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"Please...come inside.."

You nod softly at Jimin's words and follow him inside of the slightly large apartment, the walls bare of any kind of photos or shelves, all the furniture short and placed in large individual spots with a large space between each of them.

This must be decorated for Jimin...so he can make it around..

"Jungkook, will you go put on some tea?"

"Hyung I think I should treat your wounds-"


You look up at the younger brother awkwardly as he gives a frustrated huff and heads to the large fully opened kitchen, his coal black hair puffing behind him.

"Please excuse my brother's behavior, he's still a high school student."


He's so young...

"Ah...it's fine...don't worry about it...shouldn't I get going so you can get your wounds treated?..."

"No Y/N. I'll wash them later."

This is so awkward....

Why did I agree to this?


Jungkook quickly sets down a teacup in front of you then turns to his brother, his movements tender and soft when he places the cup in Jimin's hand.

"Here Hyung, it's still hot so wait for the ice cube to melt."

"Thank you Jungkookie."


Jungkook is so sweet with his brother...

I never had a sibling...

"Is your tea good?"

"Ah. Yes! It's really good.."

"Are you hungry? We have a whole fridge of food in the kitchen."

"N-No! No I'm fine...thank you.."

Jimin's cheeks warm and pinken when he takes a small drink of his tea, his brown eyes still cast down to the carpet.

"Sorry...we don't have many guests over...I've never had many friends before so I'm not sure how to be a host."


Poor guy...

"Don't worry, you're doing fine. Being a host is difficult even when you have a lot of company all the time."

"Is it? Do you have lots of company?"

"Oh no...not me...my parents used to when I was pretty young."

Jimin's jaw lightly tightens as he gives you a soft nod, the mood in the room getting chilly.

"Me too."

Something must have happened to his parents...

That makes you and I both...

"Y/N, can I ask you a personal question?"

His voice slightly catches you off guard as you look up at him, a small smile on yiur face.


"Do you have a job?"


"Um...I used to have one until this morning...I worked at the coffee shop a couple blocks over from the school...I quit because my boss was awful."

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