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Oh my god.

My feet.


Why did I wear heels.

You have never felt the kind of relief that washes over you the second you push your body against the doors of the school and are finally able to breathe in fresh air, your mind ignoring the sting from the cold winter air.

That place is suffocating.

Why would anyone send their child there.

When you finally get to Hobi's car you crawl into the backseat and begin stuffing the books inside of your duffle bag, Hobi's eyes trained on you curiously.

"That's all of his stuff?"

"Yeah...ugh..I don't know Hobi...I feel bad for Jungkook...his teacher is a real creep."


"Yeah...when I was in that room with him it's almost like he wanted to murder me...like I could see him thinking about it...."


The car is silent for a moment as you try to shake the horrible feelings tugging at your gut, Hobi's eyes still looking at you with concern.

"You know, it's unlikely to have someone in the back of my without-"

"Ahhh! I don't want to hear your perverted stories! I've heard enough of those!"

You quickly grab your sneakers out of your duffle bag and hop into the passengers seat as you look at Hobi, your eyes narrowing to slits.

"You're being more perverted than usual, can't find a chick to sleep with? Hmm?"

Hobi looks at you with an arrogant smirk as he starts the car and pulls back onto the road, a deep sigh heaving from his chest.

"Maybe I found someone that makes me not want to sleep around."

Say what-

"What? You? Seriously?"

"Hey shut up! I have emotions too!"

You giggle at Hobi's flushed cheeks and roll your eyes as you tie your laces, a slight heavy feeling in your heart thinking of going to the hospital.

"So...to your mom now right?"

"Yeah...I've been so busy with Jimin and Jungkook I haven't been able to spend a ton of time with her..."

"I get it Kiddo. Why don't we stop and get something to eat first? And before you fight me and say no it wasn't a question and I know you haven't eaten yet."


You push your lips out into a pout and lean back against the car seat as you look over at Hobi, your heart suddenly warm looking at your best friend.

"Thanks Hobi...for...for always being here for me like this...I don't know what I would have done without you for all these years."

"Ew, are you showing me real emotions?"

"Shut up I'm trying to be thankful!"

"Hey I'm not used to you being like this! How am I supposed to react?!"

"How about saying the same thing back to me?!"

Hobi smiles and pats your leg before messing up your hair, his deep brown eyes full of admiration when he glances at you.

"Of course I'm thankful for you Kiddo, I love you a lot. It's like I got to have a little sister all these years."


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