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(Jungkook's POV)


Now I'm so sad...

Jungkook tenderly sniffles and uses the sleeve of his jacket to wipe his teary cheeks, his eyes scanning the waiting room for his Hyung after he comes out of the therapy office.

He said he would be out here....


Do I need to call Noona-

"Hey Kiddo."

Jungkook turns and feels his whole belly fill with butterflies when his eyes land on Hobi, his cheeks turning pink when the older male gives him an affectionate smile.

"I got you a coffee, Y/N-ah said she doesn't like you drinking coffee but we'll keep this one between us."


I get coffee.

Jungkook carefully grabs the coffee and follows Hobi out of the therapy office, the older male's eyes gazing down at him with light concern.

"Was um...was it alright?"

"Um...I don't know...I didn't want to cry..but Noona said it was okay to cry...the lady just asked me all kinds of questions about myself...Hobi Hyungie?"


"Is it true my Noona went to therapy?"

"Yeah she did...we were younger than you, her father passed away when she was seventeen so they ordered her to go to therapy to try and help with the grief...she didn't do well."

"Wait she didn't?"

"No...here, let's go and get something to eat first I'm starving."



"Noona ran away?!"

Jungkook blushes when Hobi Hyung uses his hands to signal the boy to hush down, his head nodding as he recalls the older years.

"One day at therapy I was waiting outside for her since it was after school and suddenly she just ran out of the room and disappeared. I looked for her for three days after that...I finally found her down at the lake behind her house just sitting there...I don't know why I didn't check there before but when I tapped her shoulder she just looked at me, got up, and she has barely said a word about any of it since."


Is that what Noona meant when she said for me to keep my smile?...

"Y/N-ah is a complicated person sometimes...she has so much love to give..yet she keeps a lot of under lock and key because of what happened to her. The therapy changed her somewhat...after it happened she seemed to keep herself locked away even tighter. She threw herself into working and visiting her mom. It isn't until she met you guys that I saw her gain a little bit of it back..."

"A little bit?..."

"Mhm. Y/N-ah isn't quite back to the bubbly girl I met in high school. Even though the stuff happened at her other school she still had that glimmer of hope in her eyes...she lost it after the therapy, but when I'm around all of you guys at the house I can see it again. It makes me happy."


Hobi Hyungie helped her so much...I didn't know...

Jungkook gazes forward at his Hyung warmly and takes a bite of his hamburger, his heart rate speeding up in his chest.

Hobi Hyungie is so handsome...

Is this a date?

There's food and drinks...this is like the movies..

"I wish I would have known Noona back then..I could have given her lots of hugs..."

"As cute as that sounds, she wasn't ready to meet you guys yet. Come on Kiddo, let's get you home before the mama bear cuts my head off."

Heehee mama bear...

Noona is like a mama..

I wish she was my mama...

Jungkook carefully stands up and begins to follow behind Hobi until the older male tenderly intertwines their fingers and bumps him with his shoulder, his smile bright as the sunlight outside.




Hyungie is holding my hand!

Keep my smile...

Now I get what Noona meant...

She wasn't ready to meet me and Hyungie because she had went through all of that...but now she can love us will all her heart...

Jungkook smiles shyly and carefully steps closer to the older male so they're walking close, the warm sunlight touching his already warm cheeks.

"Hobi Hyungie.."


Jungkook tenderly turns towards Hobi and looks up at him with a warm gaze, his fingers lightly pulling away from Hobi's hand as he tries to keep his voice steady.

"I...um...I have my Noona to take care of me right now...and I have my Hyungie that needs me..."

"I know Kiddo."

Jungkook's eyes lightly widen as Hobi reaches in his pocket and grabs Jungkook's hand again while placing the small item on his palm, his eyes gazing into Jungkook's with love and admiration.

"I forgot one detail in my story. When I found Y/N-ah at the lake, when she stood up she grabbed my hand and gave me this. I didn't know what it meant of why she gave it to me but I've had it this long, and now I'm giving it to you."


"Use this as something to help you when you're feeling sad or lost Jungkook. Even in those moments when Y/N or your brother can't help you, use this and know that just like Y/N-ah, everything always gets better. I'm lending it to you as a symbol of strength."


"Also...whenever you're ready, you can give it back to me."

Jungkook's entire chest blooms with warmth when Hobi leans forward and places a soft kiss on his cheek, his loving gaze never faltering the whole time he stares at Jungkook and whispers tenderly in his ear.

"I'll wait for you."



"Now let's get you home for real this time. Y/N-ah will literally have my head if I don't have you home in time.

Hobi Hyung...is willing to wait....

Just for me....

Is this what Hyungie gets to feel?...

Is this....

Is this love?...

(A/N): I know some of you may be disappointed by this chapter because I'm not going forward with Jungkook and Hobi's relationship but Jungkook has to have time for his own inner growth and healing from his life, and Hobi knows that. And I can officially say, Jungkook's part in this story, is all wrapped up :')

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