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"Ugh...that is the last time I try to make a meal with fresh fish."

"Are you alright?"

You tenderly nod and crawl into Jimin's embrace on the porch swing as he runs his hand up and down your arm softly, his other one feeling your forehead.

"You feel clammy."

"Gee thanks."

"Sorry baby."

"I think we didn't get home early enough last night with that fresh fish we bought...this happened to my mom and dad one time. Our way home is so long that I think it spoiled."

"I didn't eat any of it and neither did Jungkook...now I feel bad...maybe I should-"

"No! I just said the fish was bad silly goose."

With a small giggle you feel Jimin pull the outdoor blanket over your body and use his feet you very slowly swing back and forth, his chest expanding when he takes a deep breath.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Do you dislike cars because of what happened to your father?"

All the blood in your veins suddenly freeze as the gut wrenching anxiety returns amongst your nausea you already have, your voice quivering when you speak.


"Is it?"

"I just...yeah...I don't want to drive a car...they scare me...I tried to learn how to drive after the accident...and I had a panic attack when I got in the car...A few times I've ridden in Hobi's car but the whole time I'm in it...All I can see is my father smiling at me before leaving for work..."

A single tear makes its way down your cheek as you bury your face into Jimin's neck, your small whimper making his body lightly freeze.

"B-Baby I didn't mean to make you cry I'm sorry! I was just curious!"

"N-No it's fine..."

You quickly try to get yourself together and move to sit by Jimin while taking the blanket with you while pulling your knees up to your chest.

"Sometimes I feel guilty...I cant take Jungkook to his therapy or just run to the store...walking everywhere hurts my legs...Jungkook asked if Hobi could take him because it made his legs hurt too to walk that far..."

"Mm...I understand it baby...honestly, do you know how scared I was when I first went to the blind school?"


"Yeah, all of my teachers in the blind school were male since we were split up by genders most of the time since guys have to learn some things that girls don't especially personal stuff...but I was petrified of my teachers for a long time and even didn't go to classes because of it."

"Oh...I...I didn't know that..."

"It took me a few weeks to be able to attend classes and even then I was always so panicked because I couldn't see where the teacher was...but then I got this teacher that was literally my teacher through every class I was put in a special program to where my teacher was the same so I could gain trust for other men in my life...I didn't even know I had a problem with it to be honest."

Jimin carefully wraps his arms around your form and finds your cheek before pressing a soft kiss on it, your cheeks warming from both the sun and Jimin's hugs.

"Babygirl, I think you can overcome anything if you really try hard."

"You think so?"

"I know so, you're the strongest person I know."

"Seriously? Have you heard your own story?"

"I also know every inner struggle I've had going through this, and everyday I have moments where I want to throw myself into a frustration tantrum. However...you always put everyone before yourself babygirl...even if you're the one hurting..."

"I know what it's like to have a pain so bad that it feels like things will never get better...so I guess if I could be the person to lighten someone else's load..it helps.."

"Since you aren't feeling good baby do you want me to make the food?"



Jimin gives you a mischievous grin before pressing small kisses all over your face and picking you up in his arms, your head laying against his warm chest.

"Let's go inside, it's chilly today and you already don't feel good."

"Okay...Jimin please be careful don't trip on the entrance."

"I got this babygirl."

"You just love carrying me don't you."

"Mhm. I know you like it too."


When you both get inside Jimin tenderly lets you down and the second your feet hit the floor you lean down and grab your stomach, sweat beading on your forehead when pain spreads through it.

"Oh damn this hurts."

"Are you sure you're alright baby?"

"Yeah I'm fine! My stomach just hurts really bad...I'm gonna lay down for a second."


I need to start Jungkook's goodies for the movie night...

"So does that mean we get to cuddle?"

"Jimin you're so clingy."

"I like being close to you."

Making your way over to the couch Jimin sits down so you can lay your head down on his lap, his hands tenderly pushing through your hair.


"Mhm...hey um...Jimin?"


"I never asked before...is your mother buried anywhere?..."

"Ah...yeah...she is actually...she's buried out in the country somewhere where her family lives...Jungkook and I weren't permitted to go there and visit it since her family didn't allow us."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. As her parents see it, we are a product of the person that killed their daughter so we aren't allowed to go see it. Plus Jungkook not remembering any of it makes it a little easier to stay away."

"That isn't fair though! You guys...should be able to visit her..."

"I talk to Eomma all the time. I don't need to see her grave. I know she's here with me...watching over me..."

"Mm...my Eomma is buried by Appa...In Daegu."


"Mhm, she always wanted to be wherever my father was, it didn't matter if he went to hell and back she would follow him there and stay there...she loved him more than anything in this world other than me of course..."

"I wanna be anywhere you are baby."

Tugging him down you press a soft kiss on his lips and sit up to straddle his lap, feathering tiny pecks all over his skin.

"Mmm...I wanna be anywhere you are too Jimin-ah."

"You know I love it when you say my name babygirl."


(A/N): Stories are beginning to find their ends 💜 A few chapters left 💜

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