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(Y/N's POV)

"Mm...Y/N?...is that you?.."

You smile softly and turn around as Jimin walks into the kitchen in his pajamas, his hair tousled and messy from sleep.

"Yeah it's me...I woke up and figured I could make breakfast for everyone."

"Mmm...what time is it?.."

"It's 7am."

"Oh...is Jungkook already gone?.."

"Um...actually...I wanted to ask you...is it alright if Jungkook spends the day with me today? He was up really late last night and he's still asleep in his room...I stayed up late talking to him...is that okay?.."

Jimin goes silent for a minute before he finds you standing in front of the stove, his head resting in your hair as he wraps his arms around you.

"I don't like Jungkook missing school...but I will trust your judgement and allow him to miss."

"Why do you like him not missing so much?"

"I want Jungkook to succeed in life. He's spent years being pushed down by my blindness. One day I want him to not have to worry about me and have a very good life."

"Jimin...with how close you two are you know he is never going to leave you in the dust. Even if Jungkook became a millionaire he wouldn't do that."

"I wish he would."

"Why...why do you wish that?.."

"It's...just hard to know the one you love suffers because of you."

What does he mean by that?

"What are you making for breakfast?"

"Blueberry pancakes!"


After tugging yourself out of Jimin's embrace you go back to flipping each of the pancakes, Jimin's body resting against the counter.



"What does someone do with a girlfriend?"


"Like...like as...like what does a boyfriend do with their girlfriend? I know I've listened to movies but the visual side is pretty much nothing."

"Oh...well...from what I've seen...as a girlfriend I steal your sweatshirts, because we like them to sleep in."

"Don't you already have one?"

"Yeah but...I need them all."


"I'm just kidding we leave you with one or two. We already hold hands everywhere we go...hmm...honestly...I think you and I kind of already do couple things.."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah...we go everywhere together holding hands, we eat meals together...watch movies...go shopping...honestly it's like..."

Your cheeks turn fire red as you realize what you're about to say, your heartbeat beginning to quickly flutter in your chest.

"Like...we've been a couple..."

"Oh...so does that mean I'm doing okay?"

You look over at Jimin and smile softly as you move over to him and rub his back, the corners of his mouth tilting up to a smile.

"You're doing great."

He must feel insecure...

Poor Jimin...

"Okay, you need to eat some of these so I can walk you to school and get back here before Jungkook wakes up."

"Are you going to go to a different school?"

"No...I've decided I'm going to do online college so I can be with my mom and you guys more...I get to pick my schedule and everything."

"Really? You can do that?"

"Oh Yeah...plus they accept the help that I need to help pay for it so I'll get all of my credits."

"So...someone like me could do that?"


"No I'm serious Y/N. Honestly without you there im going to struggle. Plus if you can go to school at home and not have to be around the noise.."

That's right...

The noise always bothers him..

"Well...it didn't take me long to apply...and the college already sent over my credits...you could easily apply online too you just need a laptop."

"I have one! I had to have one at my blind high school so I still have it. It has a brail keyboard so I can search everything."

"Woah...that is so cool...well I guess you can apply today instead of going to school!"

"I will, but I still want you to spend the day with Jungkook."

"Really? We could all just stay here-"

"No. I want Jungkook to see more of the city and have fun experiences. I want you to take this."

Jimin reaches over and feels around until he grabs his wallet and pulls a black card out of it, his fingers sliding it into your hand.

Holy shit-

"I want Jungkook to have a fun day. He doesn't have any friends to go put with and I feel comfortable with him going with you places. I know you'll watch out for him. Jungkook...isn't as mature as most guys his age so I always want him to be with someone to go somewhere."


"I know. It's a black card. I'm sorry I didn't tell you..."

He did say he doesn't struggle with money...

But this is...so much...

"No...it's Okay....I have a little money-"

"No. Spend that, it gets paid off every month don't worry. I want Jungkook to really have a good day, and you as well. Please buy yourself something while you're out."

"Jimin no-"

"I cannot personally pick things out for you Y/N...so please pick something you will love on my behalf. I want to get you a present."


Is so sweet...

"Fine...I guess when you put it that way."

After pulling Jimin's pancakes out of the pan and setting them on the plate, you coat them in syrup and cut them up in small squares he can eat, both your bodies settling down in the dining room chairs.

"These are the best pancakes ever."


"Mhm. You are such an amazing cook."

"Actually my mom is...she taught me how to make everything...she was a professional chef at a big restaurant."


"Mhm! That's how her and my dad met again after they graduated from High School, she was catering at a fancy awards show my dad was at when they were really young. As he tells it, he was smitten the second he laid eyes on her again."

"Wow....that's such an amazing story.."

"Yeah...they were the best."

I miss you so much Appa...you always had so much wisdom...I hope I can make you proud the older I get...

(A/N): Psh I'm on top my game with updating lately 😎

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