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"Eomma, I'm back!"

"Ah Honey! Welcome back."

You turn and smile at your mom as you shed your jacket onto the spare bed in the room, your eyes bright with surprise.

"Wow...you're sitting up so good today Eomma. You're actually sitting straight."

"Right? Even I'm impressed. For the first time in a few months I don't feel dizzy sitting up."

"Do you want me to get you something to eat? I can snatch something from the cafeteria."

"Min Y/N. You should never steal."

Puffing out your lip, you tenderly take off your boots and crawl into the bed with your mom, her thin arms wrapping around your cold body.

"Honey you're freezing."

"I know...it's getting really cold outside."

"You need to get a bigger coat. You can't keep wearing that jacket everyday."


"I know I know."

Leaning into her embrace you lay your head on her chest and feel her fingers lacing through your hair, your soft tangles leaving with her combing actions.

"How was your day Honey?"

"It was...odd..."


"Mhm. Remember that guy I said I helped?"


"Well he offered me a job to lead him around...since those guys broke his walking stick."

"Wow! That is so interesting! How dis that go?"

"Well....leading a blind person around is so hard...I forget that he can't see people and see like cracks in the concrete."

"Oh dear...I hope he didn't get too hurt."

"Thankfully he made it back home in one piece...we had some ramen together though..."


You look up at your mom wiggling her eyebrows and bust up laughing, your head shaking when she tickles your sides.

"Eomma! No! It isn't like that!"

"Why not?! He sounds like a nice young man."

"You haven't heard much about him except for he's blind."

"And when is the last time I heard of you going out with a guy?"

Your cheeks suddenly burn red as you settle back onto your mom's chest, your heart suddenly clutching in pain.

"Eomma...you know why I don't go out with people..."

The room falls silent for a moment until your mom blinks, her eyevrows furrowing in light confusion.

"Wait...is this the same person you came whining about on your first day? Is he the boy that sits by you in class?"


She figured it out.

"Yeah...if it wasn't him...I wouldn't have taken on two gangster guys."


"What it's true! Anyone else would've been able to hold their own....he couldn't...I felt guilty..."

"Why was he on that side of town anyway?"

"Ah...he was trying to get the textbook for our class in brail so he could read it....but that bookshop is in a tough part of town.."

"Did he get the book?"

"I don't think so...when we ran off he didnt have anything in his hands but his backpack..."

"Oh my goodness! How is he every going to make it in class?!"

"I don't know....we already have to read a book to each other and I don't know how he will...I actually feel bad for him...he's having a hard time in class..."

"Well it's daylight. You have to go get that book for him."


"The book! You have to get it for him! That poor boy can't get it himself. Does he have a mom that could get it for him?"

"I don't know...just him and his little brother live in an apartment opposite of here...it's towards the fancy part of the city."

"Honey. Bring me my purse."

You nod softly and fetch your mom's purse while setting it in her lap, her fingers immediately digging through the deep bag.

"Here. Go get that boy his book."

"Eomma...you had a money stash?!"

"Shh! It's a secret!"

You shoot your mom a soft glare before standing up, your lips pushing out in a baby-like pout.

"Today is my day off though...I wanted to spend it with you..."

"Nonsense. You can spend time with me when you get back. Now go get that boy his books before it gets dark and dangerous."

"Ugh. Fine."

I could literally just wait until tomorrow and take Jimin to the store with me to get his books.

With an internal groan you slip your boots and jacket back on, your body exiting the warm hospital and out into the fresh wet fall air.


It's cold.

You quickly make your way across the busy streets and through a creepy alleyway where an entire different part of the city opens up, different dilapidated rust colored buildings all sit directly beside each other with neon signs blinking from old age.


They really need to update this part of town.

Your eyes finally land on the tiny bookshop set between two bars, relief flooding you when you see they're both closed until night time.

Why Jimin would come here at night...what was he thinking?

Quickly pushing your way into the shop, you give a respective bow to the woman standing behind the counter, her face contorting with confusion.

"Not to be rude, but you don't look blind."

"Neither do you."

"Ouch. You right. Shopping for a friend?"

"Yeah. I need this book for a friend in my class."

"Ah, I have one copy. Back there aisle 8."

Nodding sharply you quickly make your way to the shelf and find the book, a smile stretching across your face.


Jimin will be happy...

I want him to be able to help me with the assignment...I can tell he doesn't like his sight to be a huge crutch.

When you get up to the front counter, the woman scans the book and waits for the old computer to give her the price.

"Five bucks."

"That's it?"

"Did I stutter."

Rolling your eyes, you reach behind you and tug something else out of your bag, the woman's loud gum chewing causing agitation to rise in your chest.

"We definitely have that one."

(A/N): Dialogue is a huge part of this story I see.

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