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"As always, this Ramen is delicious."

You smile to yourself watching Jimin hold his chopsticks and carefully pull his noodles to his mouth, the redness of his cheeks never wavering.

"Where do you want to go after this Jimin?"

"I want to go back to the apartment."



He's so absolute.

As Jimin eats quietly you can't help but to stare at him, your chest aching with your quickly beating heart.

"So...Jimin...You know tons about me, what about you?"


"Yeah! What's some stuff you like? Stuff like that.."

"Ah..like my interests?"


Jimin's expression turns solemn when he turns your way, his fingers playing with the seam of his jeans.

"Honestly Y/N...I haven't done much...nor have I found many interests...um...b-being blind...you don't get much.."


Poor Jimin...

"I do enjoy listening to movies though, Jungkook loves to buy comedic movies for us to watch sometimes. They have a movie store by the store Jungkook buys the ramen so he likes to go in there."

"So you like comedy?"

"I love laughing. It's my favorite."

He enjoys such simple things...it's so sweet..

"Come on, I'm full. Let's go back to the apartment."


Jimin stands up out of his chair and attatches himself to you again, his cologne drifting to your nose, making your heart rate increase.

If we keep this up I'm going to have a heart attack.

Once you both get back to the apartment you both settle down on the warm sectional couch, Jimin's body turning towards you with a smile.

"I'm most comfortable at home."

Ah...I used to be..

"Does being in town give you a lot og anxiety?"

"Yes. Imagine all the lights turned off in your room, but a thousand people's voices all talking at once."

"Oh...wow...that sounds...horrible.."

"It can be overwhelming, that's why Jungkook and I live here."

"Really? In this apartment?"

"Mhm. It's the bottom floor and this is actually a retirement building, a lot of elderly live here so most of the time it's quiet."

"Oh...I didn't know that..."

"I...I can hear everything, I can tell when the people two stories above us are walking on their floor...that's also why when it's quiet in the classroom I can tell where you're sitting, I can hear you breathing?"

"Really? You can tell how I breathe?"

"Mhm. Surprisingly everyone sounds different when they breathe."

"Wow...that is so cool..."

Jimin's entire face turns red as he smiles, his voice fluttering with shyness.

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