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(Y/N's POV)


I should really go see Eomma...

I haven't seen her in two days...

Why do I suddenly feel so anxious about going to see her?

Maybe I'm scared of what I will see...

As you anxiously carry yourself into the hospital you continue to clutch the bag of presents at your side, your ears drumming with your own quickened pulse.

I hope she's feeling well...I want to tell her...about Jimin...

Even amidst the depressing environment you can't help the smile that stretches across your face thinking about your sweet boyfriend, the mere thought of him making your chest bloom with happiness.

I already miss them...and I haven't even been gone that long...

When you round the corner of the familiar hospital room you feel your chest exhale in relief when you see your mom sitting up in the bed, her gaze beaming when she looks over at you.


"Hey Eomma...I'm sorry I haven't been here..."

"No no! Don't apologize!"

Leaving the bag of presents in a chair by the door you walk over and sit on your mom's bed with her, her tiny frail arms immediately wrapping you up into a hug.

"What's in the bag?"

"A-Ah...it's Christmas presents...for Jimin and Jungkook..."

"Oh?! Honey that's amazing!"

"Um..I wanted to ask...do we...do we still have our Christmas stuff?..."

Your mom looks at you and smiles warmly as he nods, her eyes seeming to gleam with nostalgia.

"Yes...all of it is still in the attic..I never had the heart to get rid of it...your father loved Christmas so much...do you plan on putting it up this year?"

Your cheeks burn red as you turn your head and nod softly, a soft chuckle escaping into the room when your mother gives you her familiar curious gaze.

"Hmmm...it sure has been some time since I've seen you in the Christmas spirit...what has brought on this hmm?"




"W-Well...um...Jimin...he's um...he's my boyfriend now..."

"Oh my goodness! Honey I'm so happy for you!"


"Of course! I could tell you liked him."

"Wait what?!"

"A mother can tell when her baby is falling in love."

"F-Falling in love?!"

"Yes honey. I finally saw the light in your eyes you had when you were a little girl return. For so many years...you've been so hurt...everything happened so suddenly with your school and your father...And even me getting sick...I saw how it all has effected you...but now...you look truly happy..."


Am I truly happy?...

"I..I still miss Appa..."

"Of course Honey. The missing never goes away, but you have to allow yourself to be happy and to move on with your life. You are a young adult, this is the time when you can fall in love and begin your own life."


"I need to meet this boy at some point! If my baby has her first boyfriend I need to meet him!"


"It's true!"

You giggle softly and lay down in your mom's bed with her and listen to the subtle beat of her heart, your eyes threatening to close feeling the comfort of your mother's embrace.

"Okay...I'll bring him by...so you can meet him...I'll bring his little brother Jungkook to..."

"How old is he?"

"He's a senior in high school...he's eighteen...but...he doesn't act like it...honestly I think Jimin has been the one raising Jungkook."


"Yeah...he's like a little boy...he's never had a Christmas before...he's never gone outside of the area of his school, home, and convenience store. Plus....I think something is happening to him at school."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know...I took Jungkook to the mall and when I left him I came back and his professor was there...Jungkook looked like he had seen a ghost...almost like he was afraid of him."


"I'm going to keep an eye on it for sure."

"I would. Maybe you should alert the police?"

"I will once I have some evidence."

"Okay Honey, you need to get going."

"What? I just got here!"

"You have Christmas to set up for! You remember how much work all of that is! If those boys have never had a Christmas it needs to be wonderful!"


"No buts missy! I want you to go home and have a wonderful time."

"Can...can I just stay for a small nap?...please?...I'm really tired..."

You give your mom your signature puppy eyes as she giggles and pulls you close to her while you try to hide the tears that well in your eyes when you smell her sickly sweet scent on her skin.

"Alright then...but I'm going to wake you up!"


You smile wide and snuggle yourself deep into your mom's blankets after taking your shoes off, her lips pressing a small kiss on your forehead when you close your eyes.

"Sweet dreams Honeybear."

"Sweet dreams...Eomma..."


"Oh my god-"

Your jaw almost drops to the floor of the attic when you finally push the door open and look inside, the boxes of  Christmas decorations stacked all the way to the ceiling.

There's so much stuff!

How am I going to set all this up?!

Maybe I shouldn't do all of it...

I'll just get out the tree and stuff like that...I'm going to take it down afterwards anyway...

I hope this is the best Christmas Jimin and Jungkook have...

I've never invited anyone to my house...I wonder if they'll like it...

I'll cook a good Christmas dinner for both of them too...I think I still have some of the stuff in the pantry to make it fresh...

I'll get up really early tomorrow and get the rest of the ingredients.

Your body practically buzzes with excitement as you begin tugging the boxes down off of their pile and wipe your hands over your fathers scratchy writing, your heart warmed remembering all the wonderful Christmases you've had.

This is gonna be so much fun.

(A/N): UWU.

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