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"Miss Min?"


"Miss Min."

What...what even...

"Miss Min we need you to wake up please."

Wait a second.

"Miss Min!"

The second you gain a slight ounce of consciousness you immediately fly up out of the strange bed and slap your eyes open to look at the environment around you, many nurses immediately coming to your side and gripping your sore arms.

"Miss Min please calm down-"

"Where am I?! Where's Jimin?! Jungkook! Hobi!"

Tears immediately spring to your eyes when you gaze around at the hospital walls surrounding you and all the machines whirring and beeping in the distance, your voice nothing but a hoarse croak coming out of your sore throat.

"Wh-Where are they?! Where are they?!"

"Miss Min we have to ask you to please calm down!"

"My family! My family! No!"

Fear overtakes your entire being and you start trying to rip off the I.V. Cords strapped to your arms and thrashing your legs around, the tears rolling down your cheeks soaking your hospital gown.

"Miss Min your family is fine please calm down!"

"No! My family! My family!"

At this point the entire room in front of you starts spinning and starts to turn red as you can only seem to scream, your toxic thoughts clouding the voices of the nurse.

I killed my family.

I killed my family!

"No! Stop! Dont! Dont!"

The last thing you feel is a sharp pinch in your upper arm as you make eye contact with the nurse and feel your own beginning to fade, your head falling back onto the pillow.


Please don't...

My family.......





"Baby! Baby!"



Sprinting up out of the bed again your body toppled down into the cold tiled floor of your hospital room and you quickly try to find your balance coming out of the medical slumber you were put in, the I.V. Cords now ripping straight out of your arm and signaling alarms to begin going off.


"Baby! Baby!"

Getting yourself to your feet and dragging your body along the hospital wall you throw open the sliding door of the room and fall out into the hallway as nurses begin running down the hallway, light trickling blood running down your arm.



When you pull your head up and look out in front of you your heart suddenly clutches in your chest when you look into Jimin's amber colored eyes and make eye contact with him, his cheeks already soaked with tears.

Through My Eyes |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now