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"Eomma...what's going on here..."

"Honey come sit-"

"I Don't want to sit tell me what's going on."

You shoot the man a death glare before looking at your mother, her weak smile already making you feel guilty.

"Honey, this man was just here-"

"No he isn't JUST here Eomma. He's been harassing me at every job I've gotten and even in public. Now for some reason, he's here."

"Miss Min, I was just dicussing with your mother the benefit of being able to pay her medical bills with-"

"The money from our family home. I don't want to hear your shit again. I'm disgusted that you came to a hospital and approached my mother about this."

"Honey maybe this would be good...we would be able to pay everything off and you wouldn't have to struggle."

"I Don't care about struggling. I would rather struggle everyday for the rest of my life than watch this snake get a hold of something we hold dear."

"Honey please let's be adults about this-"

"I am being an adult Eomma! It's the last piece of Appa we have left! He loved that house! He always loved taking us there on summer vacation when he wasn't writing music or producing songs! It's the only real time we got with him!"

"Your father would not have wanted to watch you struggle so hard. He would have sold the house in a heartbeat. Don't bring your father into this."

You stand in front of your mother and swallow hard as tears stream down your cheeks and drip onto your jacket, your heart shattering with betrayal.

"Yeah? Well I'm your medical power of attorney, so if you think I'm going to sign over our house then you're wrong. I don't want money, I want what was mine."

You turn on your heels and stomp out of the hospital room, ignoring your mother calling your name as loudly as her weak voice will allow.


They're not taking Appa's house.

I won't allow it.

I won't let everything he worked for be swallowed up by medical bills.

We already sold his studio.

His house is Daegu.

His car and most of his belongings.

I draw the line at this.

The tears continue to stream down your cheeks as you take a deeo breath of fresh air when you get outside, your blood boiling in your veins.

I should have kicked that guy's ass.

How dare he come to manipulate my mother in her weakest moments.

Today was a treatment day as well.

Your eyes cut over to the man in the familiar white coat leaving as you make your way to him, your hands grabbing fists of his jacket while slamming him against the brick wall.

"Miss Min!"

"Listen to me you rotten piece of shit. You may be able to come to my job and approach me anywhere, but I will not stand for you trying to disgustingly manipulate my sick mother into selling our house!"

"I was only trying to better both your financial futures-"

"Financial futures my ass! We all know my father was a famous song producer and anyone would pay a pretty penny to live in the home he owned! If I see you or even hear of your presence at this hospital again I swear on my own grave I will sue your company until you can't even afford oxygen! Do you hear me?!"

The man quickly nods and takes off down the street as you heave deep breaths, adrenaline causing your ebtire body to shake with violent tremors.

I don't know how much more of this I can take.

This is horrible.

They're all hawking around my father's stuff like vultures.

It's only a matter of time until they start in on Eomma's belongings.

I need to go home.

If I go back up there now I'll only get in another fight with Eomma, and I don't need anymore guilt than I already have.

Turning the opposite way the man ran you make your way down the less busy city street and to the mile long familiar back road that takes you to your house, the thick musky smell of the trees reninding you of your father.


"Appa! Are we there yet?!"

"Aigoo just a bit longer darling, hurry! Roll down the window! What do you smell?!"

"Appa! I smell the trees!"

"You know what that means?"

"We're two miles away!"

"Good girl."

The small child smiles when her father places his large, thin hand on her head and messes up her hair, his gummy smile lighting up her day.

"Appa, do you love me?"



"Of course I love my little Y/N! You're my sun during the day, and my moon during the night."

"What does that mean Appa?"

"It means no matter what the time, you are always the light I look up and see."

"Oh...then Appa!"


"You're my sun and moon too!"

"Good, never forget that my little Y/N, Appa will always be your sun and your moon. Forever and ever."

[End Flashback]

With tears flowing down your cheeks and your throat tight with sadness you look up at the sky to the moon, the rain clouds cleared only around the bright white orb in the sky.

"Appa....you're still my moon right? Are you up there watching all of this? Are you laughing at me for being childish?"

The moon continues to shine brightly in the sky amongst the thick depressing rain clouds, the sight bringing a small painful smile to ypur face.

"Of course you're still up there Appa...only you would be stubborn enough to not get covered up by rain clouds. I shouldn't have doubted you."

As you jingle the old key into the house you once again fall onto the couch, not even bothering to take off your muddy combat boots.

I don't care if I seem childish.

I don't care if no one else agrees with me.

It's my father's house.

I won't give it up.

(A/N): Double update? I think yes

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