49: Their Office

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I have no clue where my brothers' office is located, but something in my gut tells me that we are close. I try to play it cool and act calm but, in reality, I'm anything but that.

'I should have seen this coming, of course, he would not let what I did go unaccounted for!'

It doesn't take long before I find us driving through a restricted parking area. As instructed on multiply occasions, I wait for Victor to open my door, and only then do I move out.

Taking in my surrounding, I immediately identify the blue 2018 Lamborghini Aventador S Roadster as Xavier's, parked a little further away. What surprises me is the fact that he drove to work in that. Because most of the time I've seen him drive to work is in a matte black Mercedes-Benz E Class.

"Miss?" Logan's voice interrupts my observation.

"Huh? Yeah sorry, let's go," I say realizing that I had stopped midway lost in my own reverie.

With Logan in front of me and Victor behind, we make our way towards the entrance. Being in a new place automatically triggers my sense to go on high alert. Visually scanning everything from the people we pass to the greenery encompassing the huge opulent structure, I take in every detail—just like Logan and Victor.

As we enter the magnificent glass building, I notice how the security posted at the entrance subtly nodding at Logan and Victor only to receive the same in return from them. I feel stupid as I walk further into the building with these two giants encaging me between them, it's almost embarrassing.

The guards have never acted like this before, even though they followed me everywhere, they have always made it a point to give me my space unlike now. This sudden change in their behavior has Xavier written all over it, but I'm not foolish enough to point it out loud.

I spot three glass elevators separated by a relevant distance, but one sticks out amongst the others. Unlike the other two on either side, this elevator is conspicuously empty. Whereas the other two are swamped with people rushing in and out of them, with some awaiting its return.

Squinting my eyes, I notice the almost unreadable print of the gold plate just below the buttons on the wall. 'Private Elevator' it reads in a simple font. It now makes sense to me.

While approaching the elevator from my peripheral vision I catch sight of a person bumping into another very pregnant lady and rushing away without so much as an apology. Instinctively I rush to help the lady pick up the few files that escaped her grasp at impact.

"Here you go Miss," I say with a small smile offering her the files back.

"Thank you so much dear," she says returning my smile and taking the files from my hand.

"Miss Santos do not take off like that, you could land yourself in some serious trouble one day," Logan reprimands and I refrain from rolling my eyes acknowledging the concern in his grey orbits.

The colors seem to drain from the lady's face as she scrambles away without another word with a protective arm wrapped around her pregnant belly at the mere mention of my name. I frown at her strange behavior, but I don't voice the numerous questions churning in my mind.

"Miss Santos, Mr. Santos awaits your arrival," Victor informs me gesturing to the awaiting elevator.

Nodding at him I enter the elevator and the two join me momentarily. "It was nice of you to help her," Logan acknowledges. Flashing him a small smile in return for this praise, I drown myself in my reverie once again.

The digging sound of the elevator is the only warning I get before the doors slide open and I'm greeted with a view out of the movies. The walls of this floor just like the rest of the building is made of glass, well with some exceptions. A long grey desk enclosed a small area behind which I spot a slim redhead busy on the phone.

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