35: Definition Of Annoyance

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The rest of the ride goes by with Jack teasing Fallon at every chance he gets and Fallon continuously warning him to a point she just gives him the silent treatment.

I sit in my seat and enjoy them irritate each other with amusement swirling in my eyes, because for the first time I'm not on the receiving end of Jack's torment.

Once we have the car parked, Jack jumps out of the car immediately and heads towards God only knows where. As soon as he leaves the car Fallon sigh in relief causing me to bust out laughing at her state.

"You think this is funny?" She asks in disbelief causing me to sober up a bit.

"That boy is the definition of annoyance and epitome irritation," she tells me with a huff earning an amused look from me.

"Welcome to my every day," I say with an eye roll to which she shrugs muttering "touché" under her breath.

We both get out of the car and head inside without any more verbal interaction. As we enter flashback of the last time I was here come rushing back into my mind, but for some reason, it doesn't affect me and I keep walking.

Like a jolt of lightning, realisation strikes me giving me the reason behind Fallon's sudden change of mind regarding our plans to come to the mall when I see Lindsey approaching us.

My face breaks into an involuntary smile when I see her. "You premeditated this, didn't you?" I say in a low tone more to myself.

"Well I hate seeing my baby sister upset about anything," she reasons with a shrug.

Lindsey immediately engulfs me into a bone-crushing hug, without even acknowledging her sister's presence which makes me frown.

But my frown soon turns upside-down when she pulls away from our hug and literally jumps and hugs Fallon while continuously muttering 'thank you'.

Fallon soon pulls away much to my surprise and rolling her eyes at her sister. "You girls have fun and I'm off to endure the result of my mother's undying love for shopping. The things I have to do as a big sister." Muttering the last part more to herself she disappears into the crowd in a matter of minutes.

"So, where do you want to go first?" Lindsey asks looking like a child in a candy store.

"Nowhere, I don't like shopping," I tell her as she drags the both of us further into the mall.

"Oh, please don't act like you don't want to buy a single thing," she scoffs, "because I know you do," she states confidently.

"Okay fine, maybe I do. But I don't feel comfortable using someone else's money," I admit to her as I glance at my sling bag containing the envelope Xavier gave me earlier.

"Use your allowance then," she suggests, to which I roll my eyes.

"I still haven't earned that either," I explain, but by the confused look, she's giving me I know I have to be clearer.

"Back when I lived with my mum, I had to earn my allowance, by doing chores around the house. But here they don't allow me to clean my own room much less anything else. So, I don't feel right spending this money," I explain further and she seems to understand my point of view.

"I get your point, but even though you aren't doing any chores around the house you're doing the most difficult task in any girl's life which due to certain circumstances you couldn't do back then." her words confuse me to say the least and my expression depicts it.

"And what might this difficult task be?" I enquire with a raised brow.

"Tolerating your annoying, controlling, overprotective, and to sum it up a bit insane brothers," she states with a giggle.

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