58: Lisa Polisa

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With scrambled thoughts and incoherent suggestions floating at unreachable heights in my mind, I follow my primary instincts and decide to block the number.

'All this could just be a prank'

But no matter the number of times I tap the block option on the screen of my phone, the number refuses to be added to my block list under Parker's name. This troubles me more than I would like to admit...even to myself.

Going back to the screen that holds the daunting image and threatening text to go with it, I scurry out of my bed with my destination in mind and determination at heart.

Taking my first shot at Jason's door, I knock on the door with urgency fuelling each hit. But my calls go unanswered giving me a clear impression that he isn't in his room.

Not wasting any more time here, I hurry towards Liam's room. The pinging of my phone puts my action on a halt and calls my immediate attention. My heart speed increases rapidly when I realize who the text is from.

Blocked User: The moment you open your mouth, my sniper open fires on your oh so beloved brother.

In just two sentences the sender regains power over me and I retreat towards my room almost instantaneously. I don't know who this person is or what they want, but one thing is clearer than a day to me, I'm their roadway to getting what they want.

Astoria: What do you want from me?

I type out and send as I walk back into my room and slam my door shut. My eyes focus on the picture the sender send me earlier and a dangerous brew of emotion starts to churn within me.

The only thing holding me back is the almost unnoticeable sniper in the picture with the barrel of his rifle pointing in the direction of Noah.

Something in my gut screams at me telling me that this picture is no joke nor is the sender sending this an idiot.

Blocked User: You finally made it past the first step. Very good!

I can almost hear the taunt in the text goading me, but as Noah always likes to remind me; I'm as stubborn as they come.

And so, I refuse to let my emotionally driven instincts take over and give the sender the pleasure of knowing that they got to me.

Astoria: You still didn't answer my question.

Blocked User: Play a game with me and you might just figure it out.

Letting out a frustrated sigh with worry stinging my eyes, I use my free hand to rub my eyes to ease the burn in them while I try my best to keep my cool.

Astoria: If I agree to play your stupid game you leave my family out of this.

Framing my words carefully, I formulate the rest of my plan meticulously in my mind. But before any of it into consideration much less action, I need to make sure that my brothers are safe.

Blocked User: You are in no state to make demands here little girl.

Astoria: You really think you can blackmail me into doing what you want and my brothers won't find out?

Blocked User: I knew they would and that's exactly I took special measures to make sure that this number and the texts on your phone are untraceable.

All the weapons in my arsenals missed the target and now I'm left defenseless while the smugness in their texts is more than evident.

Blocked User: I have eyes on your every step, so don't even try to snitch my Lisa Polisa.

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