13: Comfort

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When I didn't reply to the knock, the door is opened a little and a head pops in.


He smiles at me gently. I'm about to return the gesture but then remember about what happened earlier. I just turn my head away from him instead, my hair shielding my puffy eyes.

"I gave Owen my phone, don't worry," I say in a cold tone, guessing it might be the reason he's up here since he wasn't in the room when I gave Owen my phone.

He looks taken aback but soon recovers. He comes and crouches in front of me at the edge of the bed.

"I didn't come to ask for your phone, querida," he says in the same soft tone.

"Then? " I question, trying my best to hide the crack in my voice due to crying.

"Why amor? " He asks even more gently. I don't answer not knowing what he is talking about.

"Why did you disobey us querida?" He clarified.

"I didn't, I told you all I was full you all just di-didn't list-listen," I say cursing myself when my voice cracks at my last words.

"Irmãzinha, are you crying?" He sounds concerned yet I detect a hit of surprise, which after the dinner incident kind of shocks me.

I just shake my head in negative. Not believing my words he gently hooks two of his finger under my chin and turns my head towards him. I try to get away from his hand causing it the tighten and making it impossible to get away. I try to use my hair as my shield but he moves my hair with his other hand.

"Talk to me amor, why were you crying?" He says his voice getting even more gentle if that's even possible.

I just shake my head frantically, without my permission a few more tears go rolling down my cheeks, I quickly brush them away.

'I can't let him see me in such a vulnerable state'

With that thought in mind, I tried to get off of the bed, keyword tried. Noah swiftly places me on his lap and sizes my movement. After about five minutes I give up and just sit still with my head hung down.

"Now that you're calm, will you tell me why you were crying earlier?" His voice is soft but stern.

"It's too much," is all I say.


"Promise me you won't tell everyone, it stays between us," I say in an unsteady yet firm tone.

"If it is affecting your health or safety in any way, I make no promises. But other than that you have my word irmãzinha, " his stern voice soften at his last sentence.

I nod my head feeling it is a reasonable negotiation. I take a deep breath and let it out, I do this a few more times till my breathing is back to normal. Noah patiently waits not rushing me nor getting irritated at me.

Once my breathing is back to normal, I told Noah everything. I poured my heart out to him, from how I felt at dinner today to how mum's death was affecting me to how confused I am right now and how I haven't even planed a funeral for her.

I do leave out certain parts like the one where mum refuses to come to my recital or any other function. the part where I wanted to know what family loves feels like and the part about my school.

I didn't want to tarnish mum image any further in their eyes, they didn't like her much, now anyway. I just wanted her to rest in peace.

He listens to my rant patiently, without interrupting even once while rubbing soothing circles on my back.

Once I was done he gently brushed the remaining tears and gave me a reassuring smile, I too tried my best to crack a smile back.

For another twenty minutes, he spends reassuring me that what I'm feeling is totally normal. That it's okay to cry and that I kept all these emotions bottled inside for too long and it was my body's way of telling me to let it out.

He also makes me promise him that the next time I felt down or needed someone to share my feeling with the first thing I would do is come find him. He also promised that he would always be there to listen to me no matter how busy he is.

"And Noah," I say half asleep as he kissed my forehead.

"Hmm," he hummed in response.

"I didn't lie earlier," I say praying that at least he would believe me now.

"I know princess and I am sorry we overreacted but, there is a reason we acted the way we did," he mumbled softly against my forehead. At this, I look up at him expectantly.

"We know you lose your appetite when you're either overthinking and are stressed about something or you're upset. And considering what happened in the afternoon it was pretty clear why you weren't hungry. It's wasn't the right way I agree, but they scolded you because they thought you weren't eating because of what they said earlier in the afternoon," he explains gently making me go speechless.

I didn't know whether to question how they knew my habits or to be happy they knew me so well. At this point I started to feel guilty they were right in a way but, that doesn't excuse their behavior.

"How do you...they...how do you'll know?" I finally manage to ask.

"We just do," comes his vague reply, not helping my rising curiosity at all.

Before I can ask any further questions he then tucked me in bed and kissed my forehead again, wishing me good night he leaves my room.

He didn't know how much his gesture meant to me. His kindness warms my heart. It gave me hope, that maybe just maybe, I could have a relationship with my brothers and could finally know what having siblings feels like.

That night I go to sleep with a smile.

Authors Note :

An early update!!

Thanks for all the support, hope you all enjoy this chapter

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