29: Prank Time!

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I carefully sneak into the kitchen, occasionally glancing towards my right and left making sure I go unnoticed. Once I safely make it into the kitchen, I gently open the fridge, scanning each shelf thoroughly.

As I run my eyes down to the second shelf, in the very corner of the right side of the fridge, it sat, innocently. Picking it up, I glance around to make sure I'm not busted. I quickly drop down on my knees and push the things placed in the front of the shelf, thus exposing things in the rear.

I smirk wickedly as I pull out the small bottle containing the heart of my plan. I tentatively make my way towards the pantry, the only place I know I can execute my plan safely.

Once in the pantry, I gently place the gym shaker and the small bottle next to each other. I glance at the two items and facepalm myself at my idiotism. 'How could I forget!'

I slowly make my way back into the kitchen. Opening various cabinets, I search for a glass or bottle not too big so that I can't sneak it away and not too small that it won't hold the entire contents that I intend to transfer to it. Picking up the first glass I find, and nodding to myself in satisfaction, I turn and head back to the pantry.

"What are you doing up so early?" A voice reverberated from behind me scaring me half to death and halting me dead in my path. I slowly turn around to find Jason, with a curious expression on his face. I take a moment or two to think and land up blurting out the first thing that comes first to my mind.

"I'm an early bird, remember?" I say in a careless tone swiftly trying to get past him as soon as I can.

He just looks at me with an expression that says I-don't-believe-a-word-you-say. I look at him trying to come up with a more believable excuse. Looking at my hands that hold the glass, an idea illuminates my head.

"I need a glass of water," I say holding up the glass as proof. Lucky for me, I haven't left the kitchen yet so this excuse is totally warranted.

"But how come you're up so early?" I counter question him, trying to get rid of that suspicious look he is giving me.

"I have an urgent last-minute meeting, I'm on my way to the office," he says in a dismissal tone.

It's now that I realize that he is wearing his typical clothes with his fitted royal blue business suit, light blue tie, and white shirt. His hair is combed backward with a million-dollar watch adorning his wrist.

"Wait, meeting at this early hour? Do offices even open at this time?" My brows knit in confusion.

"We own those offices Amor, they open when we want them to," he replies swiftly and arrogantly making me roll my eyes at him.

"Hey, I saw that, young lady!" he scolds. Even though his face expresses an angry and stern look I can see the amusement and playfulness swirling in his eyes.

"You were meant to," I say with a sweet smile, and with another eye roll; only this time I do it dramatically just to spite him.

Jason is the only brother with whom I can be this playful and carefree with. He isn't always intimidating and indifferent, void of any emotions and straight out scary like Xavier. Nor is he mean, annoying, and in short, a pain in the butt like Jack! And he is defiantly not unpredictable like Liam and Noah.

"You're getting out of hand," he playfully grumbles back earning a giggle from me.

"Oh, hush you love me," I say with confidence, looking at him as if I'm the most innocent creature on planet Earth.

"Unfortunately." He just sighs in defeat, making me giggle.

"Hey since you're already up can you do me a small favor?" I nod almost immediately, wanting to just get over with this conversation so that he can leave and get back to my prank.

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