23: Haunting Past

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My throat burns as if it had been coated with acid all the way down the esophagus. My entire body aches, my head hurts as if a bus just ran over it and crushed it like a nut under its wheels.

My eyes shoot open when I hear commotion around. I slowly gaze around trying to take in my surroundings. I see white walls and dim lights. I take in my current position and find myself under a bed. The sound of heavy footsteps rings through the room.

"Are you sure she is in this room?" a gruff voice questions.

"Yes boss, our sources confirmed it, she has to be here," another raspy voice answers confidently.

"Common Suka, we know you're here. Come out... come out wherever you are" he sings the last bit tauntingly. His demonic voice sends unpleasant chills down my spine.

I clasp my hands tightly over my mouth, desperately trying to silence myself as my entire body shakes with my involuntary sobs. My mind is now completely blank.

My breath hitches when I feel a hand on my leg clasping it in an iron grip and pulling me outwards. Before I can manage to scream, a rough hand is slapped across my mouth muffing my cries for help. Their satanic aura makes me shudder in fear.

I miserably try to escape his grasp but he has held my hands in a visor's grip. My eyes focus on the other strange things in the room... He is dressed in scrubs, his surgical mask hiding his identity.

I stop my struggles completely when I feel the cold bite of metal on my neck.

"Hurry up and inject it!" the man holding me captive instructs his subordinate harshly.

Complying with his instructions, the man standing opposite me pulls out a syringe from his pocket. I try to move away at the sight of the terrifying object. But I feel the metal at my neck forced deeper as if to warn me to stop my struggles.

Despite the warning, I cannot get myself to ignore the advancing threat of the vicious object which contains an unknown substance.

The stranger holding the intimidating object, now takes fast long strides toward me, reaching me in two steps.

Inspite of my countless attempts to free myself from the man's grip, I could not succeed and his companion mercilessly jabs the needle into my arm.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream when the needle breaks my skin. All my screams and cries for help are futile as my captor mutes me completely. I watch in dread as the liquid from the syringe is drained into my body.

'Where on earth are the hospital staff?'

'Why can no one hear me?'

'What happens now?'

"Shhh, go to sleep little Suka. It's probably the last time you will get the chance to rest in such a peaceful slumber." He caresses my faces roughly with the back of his knuckles, his ring scraping my skin.

I start to feel my world fading away into the haunting darkness of an imposed slumber. After a moment or two I stop fighting the drug that is now running in my veins and surrender to the darkness.

I open my eyes again. I look around at the unfamiliar setting. The lockers on the walls suggest that it could be a school. I look around and my eyes lock with the eyes of the man crouching in front of me. His malicious hands caressing my face with a gun shoved in my back.

"They will be glad to finally meet you again suka" he keeps repeating over and over again.

I clutch my head in pain, the repetition of his words causes a sense of distress within me. My head feels like someone is hitting its walls with a sledge hammer.

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