34: Fallon

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The look of sympathy in Liam's eyes are flashing red flags for me, but something within me reassures me that he nor any of my other brothers would ever do something that is not in my best interest.

But that reassurance is not enough to drive away the doubt and uncertainty bubbling within me. Sinking further into the sofa I try to decide whether I should remain calm and trust them completely or I should make a run for it.

And like always my mind says run while my heart says trust, I find this extremely ironic because both of them are organs, 'how the heck can they have their own opinion?'

It is now that I conclude that I have officially started to lose my mantel miss-balance. And yes I said miss-balance because if I did have a mantel balance I would have never survived here.

So finally settling on doing the logical thing, I decide to make a run for it. But since I'm being logical I also know that if I even try to make a literal run for it they will catch me in a matter of minutes, curse their long legs, and fast pace.

"I need to use the washroom," I mumble to Noah as Xavier and Liam step out of the room to have a chat.

"You know you can trust us right?" Noah tells me with sincerity clear in his eyes as he holds my arm preventing me from leaving.

"Yeah of course, but I'm just going to the washroom," I tell him a bit confused and a whole lot suspicious at his words.

"Try lying to someone else, querida." His words catch me off guard.

"I'm not lying," I say confidently, patting myself on the back for not shuttering.

"I may not know you for most of your childhood, but I know you long enough that I can tell when you're lying and when you're not. But I understand you're nervous so, I'll let this one slide," even though his voice is void of any emotions I can sense the hurt in it which clenches my heart.

'Can he really tell when I'm lying? Or was this just a lucky guess?' I add this question to the list of 'answers I'll never know' just below some of the questions of my previous algebra test.

"You don't have to worry or be nervous about anything, I'm sure you're stressing over nothing." Although his words are meant to reassure me, they don't, but I do believe that nothing bad is going to happen.

"I'm not nervous," I claim defensively, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"Again with the lying," his tone quickly shifts from monotonous to stern.

"Sorry," I mumble, trying to avoid any trouble at all costs.

"You need to stop lying to me to us in general. I know you don't do it often, but it needs to stop. You can land yourself into some deep trouble one day because of it." If I say I completely understand where he's coming from, I'll be lying through my teeth.

'Why does he always have to talk in riddles?!' I whine inwardly.

"I'll try," I say softly when I notice him still awaiting my answer.

"That's good enough for me," he assures me with a gentle smile.

My attention shift from Noah to the entrance when I notice the two re-enter the room. Their blank demeanor doesn't help calm my anxiety, on the contrary, it just magnified.

I watch closely as Liam approaches me, 'I trust them,' is all I keep chanting in my head. 'Why am I feeling so scared anyway?' I don't understand why has fear made a house in me, but all I know is that sometimes is wrong.

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