52: Straight Answers

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With every piece of information, I retain from the news report, my words slowly fragmented into tiny pieces and detached themselves from me.

Taking in every detail of the car I could in the limited flashes they displayed, to try and convince myself that I'm wrong, but at heart, I know that it belongs to Xavier.

I force myself not to conclude anything just yet as I reporter assures her viewers that although there are few casualties, no deaths have been reported, yet. But that isn't a battle that is easily won.

I don't realize that I've started hyperventilating until two arms shake me out of this state. Looking up to put a face to the suit-clad arm, I'm greeted by Logan's concern imbued features.

Calmly cupping my palms around my mouth, he instructs me to slowly breathe into it. It takes me some time, but eventually, my breathing evens out.

"Feeling better?" He inquires in a soft tone to which I nod mumbling a soft "thank you," with a grateful yet weak smile.

Once he is positively sure that I'm fine he raises to his full height from his crouched position next to me and proceeds back to his designated spot behind me. But I grab his sleeve before he can completely vanish from my sight, stopping him in his path.

Shifting his attention back to me he looks at me with a questioning gaze. "Can you call up Noah or Jason for me...I don't have my phone Jason does or I would've done it myself. I just need to talk to either of them...but I-I can't contact them-" My mindless rant is pulled to a stop by Logan lifting my chine aligning my eyes to his level.

"Calm down, deep breaths, remember? Here you can use my phone." Swiftly pulling it out of his pocket he hands it to me with both Noah's and Jason's contacts on display.

Staring at the device in my hand with my thoughts entangling themselves rendering myself disoriented, my finger moves from one name to the other and back to the first name indecisive of my choice.

"Problem?" He inquires politely witnessing my vacillating behavior.

"I...um I don't know who to call," I mumble under my breath irritated at myself for acting this way. But my mind still refuses to process anything and allow me to make a rational decision for myself.

"I'm sure neither would mind," he pitches in trying to help.

Offering him a small smile for his gesture, I nod and blindly tap on the name under my finger at that moment. Glancing at the screen I realize that luck landed my finger on Noah's name.

Accepting the call on the very first ring, he barely gives me any time to think my words through. "Is she alright?" Are his first words which warm my heart a little.

"Noah, this is me," I mumble loud enough for him to hear and understand me clearly.

"What's wrong amor?" He asks immediately detecting the strain in my voice-like he always does.

"I don't want to be alone right now," I mumble as an unknown fear seeks refuge within me.

"Aren't your guards with you at the moment?" He inquires as his background is permeated by the shuffling sound of papers and the audible sound of clicking keys.

"They are," I confirm with my free hand wrapped around myself and my eyes still trained lingering on the TV screen.

"I'll be with you in a minute," he promises as the noise in his background comes to an unanticipated halt engulfing his voice in stagnant silence.

"Okay," I mumble in acknowledgment and hang up momentarily handing Logan his phone back with a faint 'Thank You'.

Once again making sure that I'm fine, Logan returns to his post leaving me to myself with my unstoppable thoughts. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I hug them in search of any form of comfort.

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