16: Flashback

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Flashback: 6 years ago...

"If you want to survive in this world, you need to be strong " Uncle Carl said as we set foot into the shooting range,I was bouncing enthusiasm

"But uncle Carl, what happens if your not strong enough?" My naive eight year old self asked.

"You fall" Was his curt reply

I nodded in acknowledgement at his world, not really understanding the gravity or depth of his words

He puts a . 22 caliber gun in front of me. Two days before he made me go through an entire book on firearms safety and the different types of firearms. He refused to start our lesson untill I was well acquainted with the pro and cons of using a firearms. Once he knew I was ready, here we are standing in one of his shooting ranges, ready as I could ever be.

"Now remember little one, the first rule of using a firearms is.. "

"You must treat all firearms as if they are loaded and always point it in a safe direction" I interrupted him as I bubbled up with excitement and eagerness to start the lesson.

"Yes, now can you tell me why did I chose specifically . 22 caliber gun for today's lesson?" He waits patiently as I try to dig my brain for an answer, but I came out empty handed. I looked up at him with anticipation

"Because smaller the guns more the kick and bigger the guns less the kick" He says and carefully places the gun in my hands and let's me get used to it's weight, before taking it back into his own.

"Now remember always keep your fingers away from the trigger unless your ready to fire and always know what is in front and behind your target, this will help you gauge the rebound of the bullet if any" With that he demonstrates a shot, the bullet lands perfectly at the center of the target, he then hands me the gun back.

I mimic his stance and aim the gun in the direction of the target, I take a deep breath in and let it out as I feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, with a swift move I pull the trigger and embrace the kick of the gun. True to uncle's worlds the kick wasn't to much. I bring my attention back on the target and see that I missed bull's eye by just a little, nonetheless I smile a million watt smile at my accomplishment. I was proud and it was evident on my face.

"Very impressive little one, your a natural" He praised as he ruffled my neatly combed hair messing it up, I feigned a glare but laughed when he mocked a fearful expression. It was funny to see a man double my size give me a fearful expression even if he mocked it.


"We practiced for hours that day, not only shooting but also kick boxing and basic self defence. It was the day I first held a gun, it felt so strange so bizarre yet so thrilling, after practicing for months together I was finally able to hit bull's eye"

"After that day we kept on practicing everyday for about two hours, each day was a new experience" I finished narrating my story to my brothers with a fond smile adorning my face at the memory.

They all listened to me with utmost attention, not interrupting me a single time. Once I was done, they all looked shocked to say the least, except for Lucas and Jack who looked rather angry.

'Huh? Why were they angry'

"You should have not been taught all this at such a young age!" Jack exclaimed

"Did Erica know?" Jason and Mateo asked at the same time

"Mum was the one who wanted me to learn to defend myself. She had requested uncle Carl to teach me. Uncle Carl was an retired navy seal who happened to run a small martial arts school in our neighbor."

"I agree with Jack on this, she shouldn't have been taught all this at such a young age" Noah added his two cents to the conversation

"What's done is done. But the question is why did Erica make an eight year old learn to shoot and fight" Owen said

"Did she ever tell you why she made you train?" Jason directed his question to me

"Once when I wanted to skip training, she told me that in a powerful world only the powerful survive and thrive, and in order to be powerful I needed to train. 'I'm not about to lose yet another life because they didn't know how to protect themselves' were her words "

As soon as I recite mum words to them the entire room went silent, the tension could be cut with a knife. Xavier face held raw rage, which was actually quite unusual. He normally was the one to remain calm and composed always wearing an expressionless expression, so to see him in such rage was scarring me a bit.

His eyes turned dark, his fist and jaw clenched. Before I could process anything else I was being dragged out of the room by Lorenzo with Mateo behind me blocking my view of the room and most importantly Xavier.

As soon as I was out of the room I could hear the sounds of things breaking and people cursing. Lorenzo and Mateo both shared a knowing look and proceeded to drag me towards the main side of the house. As we go further the noises decrease but my anxiety just increased along with a little fear. I had never seen Xavier this mad, he always looked so clam and composed, looking at him in this state was just straight out frightful.

Once in the safe side of the house Lorenz and Mateo both urged me to my room. I had numerous questions swirling in my mind but never got the chance to seek the answer to them. Once in my room I was confused, anxious and worried, Xavier's raged fill face just keeps popping in my mind. As I change into some comfortable cloth for the night, a shiny thing lying in the corner of my walk-in closest catches my eye. I carefully take it out and a smile graces my face when I recognize the object to be my mum's jewelry box.


Flashback : 9 years ago...

"Mummy, why don't I have a daddy? All my classmates have one" I said on the verge of tears as I enter my mum's room after a day fill with taunting and teasing from my bullies.

"Oh mue amor, you do have a daddy it's just that he is somewhere very far away" She said in a soothing voice as she caressed my face.

"Bu-but... then.. wh-why dose-doesn't.... he come hom-home? Doesn't...he lov-love m-me? " I asked as a tear slipped down my face.

"Amada it's not like that, it's complicated. Your daddy um.. how do I say this, it's just safer this way alright" She gets up and goes into her cupboard and comes back with a jewelry box.

"Here, this will answer all your questions. But before I give it to you, you have to promise me you will not open it untill your much older and the time is right " She said holding her pinky out.

I interlock our pinkies and promise.

"But mummy how will I know when the time is right" I asked a confused look taking over my face.

"You will know, you will feel it right here" She placed the palm of my hand on my heart


At that time I didn't understand much but all I knew was it the only answer I would get. That was also the last time I saw my mothers soft side. After that day whenever I asked about dad again I was given the same reply.

You were a drunken mistake

I looked at the box and ran my hands on its top, the antique gold design giving it a rough but shiny texture. I sign and place the box in my dresser,

'it doesn't feel like the right time'

Authors Note :

Thank you all for being patient with me with the update of this chapter.

Also an important announcement, from this chapter forth I will be updating on a weekly bases. With all my school work piling up I need time to balance both things. I sincerely hope you all understand, thank you.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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