15: Bull's Eye

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After a long tiring trip we are exhausted, we decide to grab a bite at the food court before we leave. Noah goes to place our order as I go and grab a seat. After about 20 minutes our order is announced, Noah goes and collects it. I just absentmindedly glance at all the people around having nothing better to do until Noah returns.

As we are eating an uneasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach, I feel like someone has their eyes on us. It is like Noah can also feel it too, his whole demeanor goes tense all of a sudden. I give him a worried look but all he does is give me a smile in return. A very fake smile.

He gets up all of a sudden and announces that we're leaving, and I am more than glad to concur with. As we make our way to the exit, I feel someone's gaze burning through my skull. I slightly tilt my head and from the corner of my eye spot something.

I swiftly push Noah to the side with all my force, taking him by surprise, which works in my favor causing him to land on the ground on his back with me on top of him. Before anyone could process anything the sound of a gun being fired ring through the air, followed by the terrorized scream of many.

There is complete pandemonium, people ran to save their lives, but my eyes remained fixed refusing to leave the sight of that one person who is maneuvering his way through the chaos and marching towards our direction before he can make another move in a quick move I grab the gun I spot in Noah's jacket and fire. The shooter drops the gun as my bullet pierces through his wrist drawing with it blood and a bloodcurdling scream.

'Bull's eye' I say to myself, still shocked with the entire occurrence and quite aware of the circumstance, but yet a little satisfied that my brother is safe.

The next thing I know, there are two men dressed in black suits dragging the shooter out of here. Noah takes the gun out of my hands gently, he handles the entire situation with equanimity. I still stand frozen in my position. After the crowd settles a little, Noah guides me back to his car.

During the entire ride none of us say anything like before, but this time there isn't a comfortable silence, but the quite opposite actually, the atmosphere in the car is tensed. The scene kept on repaying in my mind like a broken record. A thousand questions running through my mind but at the moment I couldn't process even one of them.

As we are 15 minutes into the drive I notice two black cars following us, I tense up but relax when I notice the car has a similar logo on like that as on my brothers' cars have. In about another 5 minutes we reach the mansion. I didn't wait for Noah, as soon as he pulls into the driveway I jump out and head straight to my room.

As soon as I enter I lock the door and slide down on it. It is like my brain stopped working and all it did was rewind and replayed the same incident again and again.

'Why did he want to shoot us?'

'what would have happened if I didn't notice him?'

'My brother could have been murdered in front of my own eyes'

The last thought struck like lightning and I dash out of my room to find Noah.

'Is he okay? '

'Did he get hurt? '

'What if he hurt himself ?'

As all these thoughts kept running in my head, I searched the entire house, except for one part. Without thinking I made a run for the forbidden side of the house, leaving that as the only place he could be. As I approached this side of the house, I can hear yelling coming from behind two huge wooden doors, without a second thought I barged in. I scanned the room and my eyes immediately land on Noah.

As soon as I spot him I through myself into his arms, wanting nothing more than his comfort and to know if he is okay.

"Are you okay?" I ask him after pulling away from the hug and inspecting him with my eyes from head to toe.

"Yes, querida thanks to you I am." His soothing voice ring through my ears in reassurance as he pulls me into another bear hug. I pull away still not satisfied.

"You sure you're fine right? The push, it wasn't to sudden right. You didn't hit your head or anything or may..... "

"Amor! I'm fine trust me," he says cutting my rant and pulling me back into his arms.

"Yes irmãzinha, Noah is perfectly fine. No need to work yourself up," Xavier's voice for the first time sounds soft and soothing yet it still had a stern edge to it.

By now I had tears in my eyes, I could have lost a brother today, another family member could have left me forever before I even got to know them properly.

"Hey, hey, no need to cry amor, I'm fine I promise," he says while wiping my tears.

"I-I.... cou-could.....have.... los-lost.. you... fore-forever..an-and... I di-didn't.. even.. get... t-to..kno-know...yo-you.."

"Shh, don't think of things that didn't happen. I'm here right in front of you perfectly fine. And as far as getting to know me is concerned, we have our whole lives to do that," he says while rubbing comforting circles on my back.

He makes me sit on the sofa which is pushed against the wall, he too takes a seat next to me. Lucas held a glass of water in front of me, which I take gladly shooting him a grateful smile. Once I am calm enough I realize that I'm in the forbidden side of the house and which may have made Xavier mad or disappointed in me.

"Sorry," I say but it sounds more like a whimper, looking at Xavier.

"Why?" He asks with frown brows, looking totally lost just like the others.

"I came here without permission when you told me not to. But I couldn't stop myself I had to make sure Noah was alright," I say in a small voice, but still maintaining eye contact.

It is like realization strikes them at the same time a look of shock is pasted on their faces.

"It's fine amor, it wasn't your fault," Owen says crouching in front of me.

I looked at Xavier for conformation, he just nodded in agreement.

"But just this time, don't make it a habit," Jack says in a warning tone.

I just nod in reply, not wanting to dwell more on this topic. I snuggle into Noah's side and I'm welcomed with a tight embrace. He whispers a thank you' on the top of my head as he rests his head on top of mine. I look at him with a confused expression.

"You saved my life, irmãzinha, so I'm thanking you for it. Thank you," he says with a light chuckle and with honesty and sincerity lacing in his voice.

"We're family. And family is not an important thing it's everything," I say with the same honesty and sincerity meaning every word I said.

After hearing my words they all have the same look on their faces, a look of pride. They have no clue how much that look means to me.

"Indeed it is and no matter what we will always protect our family, even if it costs us our lives," Lorenzo says in a serious tone and a look of honestly in his eyes.

The others just nod their heads in agreement. A yawn escapes my mouths to which everyone including Xavier chuckles. I just blush and hide my head in Noah's chest in return making them chuckle even more. I get up to head to my room for a much-needed nap when Owen stops me.

"How did you shoot such a perfect shot at the shooter, irmãzinha?" This time it is Xavier to speak

Authors Note:

Sorry for the late update, I know I said I would update by afternoon but I was stuck editing the previous chapters and lost track of time.

Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading

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