37: Dad!?

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Serenity and tranquillity surround me before a series of nudges to my shoulder and the continued whispers of 'wake up' in my ear pull me away from it. I groggily open my eyes and take in my surroundings.

I'm still seated in the car with my head rested on Liam's arm, I look up at him in question unsure why he woke me from my peaceful slumber.

"We are home, you need to wake up," he says softly and I rub my eyes as I nod in understanding.

"Do I need to?" I whine sleepily making him chuckle.

"Yes, now wakey wakey!" He says ruffling my hair which annoys me, but I'm too sleepy to react to it.

I watch as the car is being driven into the garage, convincing myself that I still have a few more minutes before I have to get out of the car, I close my eyes once again with my head still resting on his arm.

"She's out again," I hear someone mumble next to me, but I chose to ignore it.

"Take her up to bed, we can wake her up a bit later when dinner's ready," I hear the stranger recommend.

I'm taken aback when my brothers consider his recommendation and I feel myself being lifted. 'Who is this man and from when did MY brothers start taking advice from anyone?'

"Put me down," I say opening my eyes to find myself in Liam's arms. He puts me down immediately and looks at me with frowned brows.

"What?" I ask when he keeps looking at me in the same way. "Nothing," he mumbles and heads inside the house.

Flowing him, I too enter the house and my eyes immediately start to search for Lindsey and I spot her soon enough sitting next to Fallon on one of our many sofas. Approaching them I take a seat next to her, laying my head on her shoulder I close my eyes as a yawn escapes my lips.

"I'm so thankful the match didn't go into overtime," Lindsey says sighing in relief and I nod in agreement.

"I saw Chrissie in the bleachers," I blurt out randomly. Lindsey suddenly jerks her shoulder to the side causing my head to fall off. I give her an annoyed look only to receive a look of disbelief in return.

"What was she doing there?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

"Sorry I forgot to ask? What could she possibly be doing there; I don't know, hmm?... Maybe watching the match?" I retort, sarcasm dripping from my every word.

"You're mean when you are tired," she points out with a pout earning a shrug from me.

"But on a serious note, I feel bad for her. But then again, she was a bitch to everyone on the team, so she kind of deserved it," Lindsey voices her thoughts.

"She's a good player though," I point out and she nods in agreement.

"In more than one way," she adds evocatively which causes me to cringe in disgust at the picture her words put in my head when I realize what she's implying.

"I didn't need that image in my head," I whisper yell at her smacking her arm as she bursts out giggling at my mortified face.

"What image?" Lucas butts in into our conversation with a curious yet suspicious look.

"Nothing," Lindsey says in-between laughs while I try to rid myself of the horrifying image that has formed in my head.

He looks at us with narrowed eyes, "Lucas leave the girls alone," the same stranger commands authoritatively. A million questions form in my head when Lucas stops his interrogation and leaves grumbling to himself.

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