56: I'm Screwed

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Throughout I take note of Lindsey's anxious behavior, yet I have to patient to know the reason behind it because she refuses to utter a single word before that.

Jumping out of the car before Javier has the chance to stop it completely, we run inside the mansion like the ground is collapsing behind us. Zooming up the flight of stairs leading to my room, my door is pushed open by her and slammed shut within a window of mere seconds.

"What the hell Linds! You almost locked me out of my freaking room!" I exclaim throwing my hands up in disbelief at her anomalous behavior.

"Sorry, I'm just excited to show you this!" She squeaks in a brew of delighted excitement.

Rambling through her gym back she starts arranging a few things on my bed, a few of which are her laptop and my mum's jewelry box. Leaving her to do whatever it is she's doing; I proceed to dump my gym clothes in the laundry hamper.

The clicking sound of her fingers furiously tapping her keyboard resonates through the room. Watching her as I run my brush through my damp hair, flinching at the occasional knots that entangle themselves with my brush.

"You might want to properly dress those bruised knuckles of yours," Lindsey remarks with her gaze still locked on her screen.

My eyes immediately widen in alarm, snapping my neck to find my hands I frown when I notice that my oversized jacket is still shielding my knuckles from the world.

"I'll get Liam to do that later," I mumble under my breath.

"From when did you start going to Liam for help?" She asks quirking a single brow upwards, but her tone tells me that she's just messing with me.

"Wasn't Jason and Noah higher on the favorite brother scale?" She goads. Sticking my tongue out at her as my reply, I melodramatically roll my eyes at her.

"I love my brother all the same," I assert in full confidence lying straight through my teeth.

Giving me the look I-don't-believe-you look, she keeps staring at me with a stubborn resolute to get me to admit it. Rolling my eyes yet again at her I sigh in acceptance of her assertion.

"Okay, I may or may not like Noah and Jason a tad bit more than the rest," I admit, raising my uninjured hand with my thumb and forefinger barely a centimeter apart for emphasis on the difference.

"But only because they are nice to me...well most of the time," I'm quick to add mumbling the last part to myself.

"Anyway, coming back to the previous topic. What the heck did you find?!" I say in an attempt to change the topic while equally curious to know her discoveries.

"Right!" She says and goes back to aggressively tying on her laptop, leaving me dumbfounded at her behavior.

"Seriously!" I exclaim leaning forward and delivering a slap across the back of her head.

"What was that for?" She whines looking at me innocently with her big doe eyes simultaneously rubbing the spot I hit.

"You do realize that I can't read your mind, right?" I remind sounding it out as I rhetorical question.

"You need to verbally tell me what you found Linds, I'm not going to telepathically know," I elucidate with a light laugh.

"But how cool would that be if we could?" She adds with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Very. Now tell me what you found!" I impatiently whine dragging my words.

"Alright, alright, you big baby, I'm getting there!" She chuckles.

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