20: Security Team

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My eyes open on their own account forcing me to awake from my peaceful slumber. I glance at the clock on the nightstand only to realize it's still midnight. I stared at the ceiling now wide awake. Sleep had turned its back on me, refusing to let me escape into a peaceful slumber again, away from all my sleepless problems and my living fears.

I continue to stare blankly at the ceiling, blankly... aimlessly... Although my eyes were transfixed on the ceiling, my mind had gone for a walk. The events of the past few days kept replaying in my head in slow motion. I dreaded the possible outcomes of the threat.

'Why does someone want me dead?'

'What happens now?'

After what felt like an eternity of never-ending self-debate, sleep finally knocked on my doorstep and I welcomed it with open arms. Finally, I was at ease, I didn't have to worry about what would come next. Those thoughts were still churning in my mind as I let sleep engulf me once again.

I was jolted out of my tranquil state by an obnoxious beeping. Cracking my eyes open I sat upright on my bed and turned to find the source of the excruciating sound. Finally spotting the culprit, the dreaded alarm clock, I waste no time and turned it off before returning to the serene atmosphere of my room.

I turn my gaze towards the window that now reflects the mighty sun in all its glory. 'Damn I'm late!' But now that's impossible, thanks to my habit of setting an alarm for thirty minutes prior to our normal breakfast time I won't be late. With my ability to lose myself in thought for hours together this is a very important habit I inculcated within myself.

Taking a few deep breaths and stretching out luxuriously, I prepared myself for what the day had to offer. And my mindset into deep thinking... Once I finish my morning routine, I make sure I look presentable with my hair set in place and uniform crease-free. At the end of it all, happy with my appearance and I make my way downstairs.

I reach the dining room, only to find it empty. I take a seat in my usual place and patiently wait on for the others. Lost in my reverie I fail to realize that I have company.

I shift my attention to Liam who takes a seat across the table and greets me with a small but bright smile, which I return. From the corner of my eye, I spot Miss Jonas entering the room pushing a trolley filled with food.

Not long after, one by one, all my brothers make their way into the dining room and take their seats in their usual places. The pleasantries begin.  A round of good mornings is exchanged while the food is being placed before us.

As we have our breakfast, there is complete silence in the room. There is no sign of conversation. Everyone seems to be engrossed in their own reverie.

"Irmãzinha, we would like to introduce you to some people. So please meet us in the living room once you are done with your meal," boomed Xavier, breaking the silence in the room.

I look at him curiously, but he just leaves his seat and leaves the room without any further explanation. I look down at my plate and sigh, before gulping down what was left of my breakfast.

Now that I'm done with breakfast I head towards the living room to see what is in store for me. As I enter I feel a sense of Deja vu. I spot my brother sitting on the sofa with three strangers sitting opposite them. The stranger was dressed in identical black suits and they wore serious expressions.

Once they see me, they stop talking and look in my direction. I awkwardly take a seat next to Xavier. Soon after, all my brothers too enter the room, one after the other.

Once everyone is settled my attention moves back to the three strangers.
"Astoria this here is your security team" Xavier's intimidating voice makes me involuntarily turn my gaze towards him.

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