31: An Anagram?

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Third-person P.O.V

The three Santos flood back into the room, each on their respective devices trying their best to retrieve any information they can possibly find regarding their missing brother when Liam breaks the news of a lead.

Their undivided attention that was once on their respective gadgets is now snapped in Liam's direction. The atmosphere of the room changes from a worried and helpless one to a hopeful one.

"What lead?" Owen questions, being cautious not to move or be too loud.

"I think we should take her up to her room, she will more comfortable sleeping in her bed," Liam remarks, ignoring Owen's words.

Each of them turns their gaze to their little sister, who's curled up against Owen. Her head peacefully rests on Owen's shoulder, with her knees brought up to her chest while her arms loosely cling onto his biceps.

Their eyes visibly soften at the sight of their angel sleeping peacefully. Even Jack and Lucas who are usually mean and cold towards her look at her with pure love and adoration shining in their eyes.

"I'll take her up." Lorenzo volunteers, walking up towards the sofa.

Slowly and gently wrapping his arm around her shoulders and putting his other arm under her knees, he slowly proceeds to lift her.

But, all his actions come to a complete stop at the mere feeble whimper that leaves her lips. Her hands that were once wrapped loosely around Owen's biceps visibly tighten.

Owen successfully preys his arm away from her, only for her to wrap her arms around his waist, burying her head into his chest, her action earning a chuckle from the rest.

"She's cute when she sleeps," Jacks says, the others just nod in approval with small smiles stretched across their faces.

"Some habits never go away," Xavier's voice rings through the room commanding everyone's attention.

But Xavier's gaze remains fixed on his little sister as fond memories of her as a baby flash through his mind.

"Always a Koala bear when she sleeps," Noah mutters softly, standing next to Xavier at the entrance of the living room.

Owen's arms securely wrapped around her small frame, bringing her closer to himself. "Liam, you were saying something about a lead?" Owen remarks getting them back on track.

Their gazes move from Astoria and so does the softness in their eyes. They all settle down, each taking a seat on of the many sofas in the room, with Xavier sitting next to Owen and Astoria.

"We were finally able to track Jason's last location, which happens to be the airport." Liam's words cause a lot of questions to rise in the minds of his brothers.

They know their brother way too well, they have spent their entire lives with each other after all. And they also know that if Jason doesn't want to be found there is no way they would be able to find him.

He is the tech head of their organization, there is no way he could have missed out of such an important detail by mistake.

Jason has a plan and slowly but surely his clues are leading them to him. He engineered this entire situation very minutely, keeping in mind every detail.

The realization of this strikes Xavier. 'How can I have missed this' he thinks to himself.

"Did he take the jet?" Mateo questions making his presence known to the rest.

"No, he took a commercial flight," Liam responds, his mind slowly piecing together all the information he has so far.

"To where exactly?" Jack inquiries further.

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