2: Mysterious Driver

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Astoria makes her way through the airport; she reaches the exit point and waits on her bothers patiently. As informed by Mrs. Black they are to contact her with further details, but until then there is nothing she can do except waiting.

Now regretting not paying attention to Mrs. Black when she was telling her about her brothers, doubt clouds her mind. Being insecure is something she always struggled with and being sent away to live with a bunch of strangers; although said to be her brothers, isn't being of much help.

'Would they be happy to see me?'

'Would they consider me to be a burden?'

'Do they even know about me?'

Like a tornado, her thoughts kept spinning in her mind. In addition to this, she had time on her hand, her mind kept playing scenarios of what could happen, and that just increased her nervousness.

Twenty minutes had passed but there was no sign of her brothers anywhere. Her patience was running on a thin line by now, the fear of being abundant or not wanted crawling into her mind.

'Is this their way of getting rid of me?'

Was the last thought that went through her mind as a black Porsche came to a sudden halt in front of her. The driver rolled down his window and looked at the 5'4 feet girl standing there looking nervous and lost, yet she stood with confidence.

"Get in." Is all the mysterious driver says in a rough voice.

The only movement from the girl's side is her folding her hands in front of herself and raising her brow at the mysterious driver in suspicion and a tad bit of annoyance at the tone he spoke in.

"Get in Astoria. I won't say it again," he says gritting his teeth. Frustration and tiredness clear on his face.

"Why should I? I don't even know you," she replied nonchalantly.

"I'm your brother, now get in," his reply held hostility, his eyes blank not giving away any of his emotions.

"Why should I believe you? " her question had the same tone as his, she wasn't just going to believe some complete stranger to be her brother.

"Here I can prove it," he took out his phone and texted someone, momentarily her phone went off with a text message.

She pulled out her phone from her pocket. Once she read the text saying 'see I'm not an imposter' she raises her brow at him.

'He seriously thinks I'm that stupid to believe him?'

"Still doesn't prove anything," she says, concluding that this conversation isn't going anywhere.

"If I wasn't your brother why would I know your name and have your phone number?" He counters questions her.

"I don't know why you have all my information; you could be a kidnapper for all I know," her tone remains cold and distant. Now huffing in annoyance, he runs his hand through his already messy hair and rubs his eyes harshly.

"What fucking kidnapper would have your phone number? " His vexation evident in his voice, but that didn't faze the girl.

"A smart one," came her short yet witty reply.

"Okay fine you have a good point. Wait a moment," he says and grabs his phone calling someone. Astoria just stands there, although she feels awkward to do so she wasn't going to sit in a car with a complete stranger.

"Yes... can you just assure her that it's safe to come with me.... she doesn't seem to trust me... yes... thank you," the phone is now handed to the girl that she reluctantly takes.

"Hello?" The familiar voice of her social worker; Mrs. Black rings in her ears.

"Hello... Sweetie are you there?" Her voice snaps Astoria out of her daze and back to reality.

"Yes, um... Mrs. Black? " Her voice unsure, her reluctant behavior now irritating the man in the car for some reason that remains unknown to him himself.

"Yes, Astoria it's me, you can trust that man, he is one of your brothers. No need to worry, you are in safe hands."

"Okay," and with that said the line goes dead, she hands the stranger back his phone while still a bit reluctant.

Astoria looked at the driver once again with a blank face, but half-heartedly got in anyways, but not before putting her luggage in the car.

Something about him just feels so familiar to her. Maybe the fact that they both share the same electric blue eyes or the same tanned skin. Or it could even be the sense of security she feels in his presence.

The drive is silent, none of them speak a word to each other, while Astoria maintains a blank face just like the driver.

'When you show your emotions, you become vulnerable,' her mother's words ring in her mind, making her heart clench in grief.

The driver glanced at her a few times during the drive trying to read her thoughts, but still kept his eyes focused on the road.

There is something about her blank face that bothers him. Is it that he can't read her thoughts or is it the insecurity he feels by not knowing what she thinks of him, he doesn't know, yet it did make his heart twitch in hurt. The whole drive he has a frown adorning his forehead.

In a matter of twenty minutes, they reach their destination. Once the car is parked, he gets out with Astoria in tow, he then proceeds to take her luggage out of the car for her.

She mumbles a quick 'thank you' and tries to take her luggage from him, not wanting to come off as a brat or spoilt child, but the mysterious driver isn't having any of it. He picks the bags up and proceeds inside the mansion, which the girl just realizes is standing before her in all its majestic glory.

'Okay, they are stinking rich that for sure,' she concludes witnessing the display of their immense wealth.

She aimlessly follows the stranger inside the mansion like a lost puppy. He then goes up a flight of stairs with her hot on his heels, occasionally glancing back at her to make sure she doesn't wander off. Finally reaching a wooden door painted while, he opens it while keeping one bag down to do so.

She enters the room and amazed is not the word for her expression. She looks around at the blush pink and light grey themed room. With a king-size bed dominating the center of the room and a bay window with big fluffy light grey pillows. A vanity, a study table, and two other doors lead to some unknown destination. Her guesses were the closest and bathroom.

"Which one are you? " She didn't intend to sound rude or anything, but also didn't know how else to put it.

She notices a flash of hurt in his eyes at her words, but it's gone as soon as it came. His entire demeanor changes, his fist clenched and unclenched a few times before he answers.

"Liam," he grumbled loud enough for her to hear before he leaves her room.

Author's Note:

So I've edited this chapter a bit, hope you like it.
Thanks for reading


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