22: Who's Seb?

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I suddenly feel the absence of my friend, and I frantically look around hoping to spot her 5'5 figure amidst the countless cars parked here. But to no avail.

"Jack!" I whisper-yell, trying to get his attention... and I succeed almost instantaneously.

"Lindsey... she... she... was... there just seconds ago... now she's... she's not there!" I desperately try to calm my shaking voice and form a coherent sentence.

By now I'm hyperventilating, my imagination going wild with possible outcomes, none of which are pretty. I'm brought back to reality by Jack shaking my shoulders violently, I blink and look at him with tears in my eyes.

'She saved my life, if something happens to her I will never be able to forgive myself'

"Astoria! Snap out of it, she's fine. Nathan took her to a safe location. Having too many of us in the same place isn't a smart option" his calm voice calm and reminded me of Xavier a bit.




The sound of yet another round of gunfire bolts us into another state of shock, making us both aware of our current predicament. I look at Jack, his forehead scrunched in deep thought.

'There has to be a way to divert their attention from us so we can escape'

His eyes suddenly snaps in my direction landing directly on my wrist. I follow his gaze and find it locked on my bracelet. I frown in confusion at his strange behaviour.

"We know your hiding there, come out now and surrender the girl to us. You and I both know that your bullets won't last long, so do us both a favour and surrender!" once again a new voice speaks, only this time the voice sounds irritated and impatient. The stranger's voice brings Jack out of his deep thoughts.

'How many are they and why on earth do they want me? What have I done to deserve this!'




This time the terrifying sound of the gun is accompanied by an equally terrifying and earth shattering scream. Jack and I both share a confused look, he cautiously leans outwards and peeks at the scene all while his arm is still placed across me preventing me from moving.

After a minute or two he stands abruptly taking me by surprise. "Stay here until I come get you, I mean it do NOT move" he says using the same commanding voice as before.

'If he's going out there unarmed either means that the threat is eliminated or he has lost his sense of judgement' I personally pray it's the first option.

"Come on, we are safe for now but we have to go" Jack says as returning back after a few minutes.

I stand up a bit too fast and I feel my head throbbing making me aware of its presence. The constant throbbing and sudden movement causes me to feel a little dizzy and I lose my balance. Jack holds my shoulders firmly helping me steady myself and preventing me from having a face-to-face meeting with the hard concrete ground.

Once the dizzy spell passes, I send him a grateful smile which he acknowledges with a sharp nod. We carefully make our way out from behind the car we took cover behind towards the front of the parking lot.

As we walk I realise that we are heading towards our car and not the entrance. Once close enough to the car I spot two familiar figures.

Victor and Javier

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