75: Not Your Damn Daughter

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Third-person P.O.V

Engulfed in tension permeated silence, the younger three mafia-born spend the entire elevator ride exchanging worried and tensed glances at each other, while Xavier watches them in keen observation.

The anger flaring within Jack only intensifies with every passing moment he spends in the same confined space as Alessandro who in his mind is responsible for his sister's state.

While Alessandro on the other hand couldn't care less of what Jack thought of him—well acquainted with his repulsive nature and poor anger management.

The only thought that consumes Alessandro's right now is the thoughts of his girl while also formulating a plan to uncover the person behind her state and make them pay for their doings dearly.

The twins' mind swirls blending their concern for the cousin, their anger towards the person responsible for her state, and worry for their own wellbeing once Xavier is done with them.

But apart from them, Xavier stands at the very end of the elevator, his back almost touching its metal wall. And while these two drown in their own thoughts and emotions, he remains completely impassive to the entire situation.

Anger and worry and thousand other emotions clouding both their minds pull down their guard allowing Xavier to read every emotion that crosses their minds with utmost ease.

Digging the doors of the elevator slide open revealing the topmost floor of the hospital. Void of any patients, the sterile smell of antiseptic with undertones of artificial fragrance continues to remain prominent even up here.

Utilized as the administrative section of the hospital this floor consists of four humongous rooms; one being the conference room these are heading towards.

Xavier takes the lead, exiting the elevator he is soon followed by Alessandro and then by Jack and the twins. Striding down the empty hallway, their demeanor changing as they approach the conference room.

While Jack and the twins go rigid, Alessandro mirrors Xavier. This change doesn't go unnoticed by Xavier as he mentally notes down all these minute details.

Delving into his blazer pocket, he produces the key that unlocks the conference room door just as his phone pings with a text informing him that Astoria is being moved into the same room as Liam.

Mentally nodding in approval to himself, he pushes open the door inviting the four in. Closing the door behind him, Xavier makes his way to the very front of the room in slow calculated strides.

"Sit," he instructs them and immediately they find themselves a chair to claim around the long mahogany table that dominates the center of the room.

"Explain." Xavier's authoritative voice booms through the room causing nervous sweat to coat the palms of the twins while Jack tries desperately not to let his emotions be put out on display.

"It was supposed to be a 'seniors only' party, but then Astoria insisted on attending so I let her," Jack begins, maintaining a blank expression and tone.

"Her guards were supposed to chaperone her," Lucas adds before Jack can continue.

"But she locked them in the panic room," Lorenzo remarks as guilt for pinning the blame on Astoria pricks his mind.

"Once the party started, she was supposed to stick with Lindsey. That was the deal, but clearly, she had no intentions of sticking to her end of it," Jack grumbles, while his heated gazes settle on Alessandro who continues to remain unaffected by it.

"She was just—"

"You all need to stop putting the entire blame on her!" Alessandro cuts Lucas off having had enough of them playing the blame game. "The party was your idea, all she wanted to do is have fun," he continues to defend her.

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